• Politics, Schmolitics

    Bush Supporters In De Nile

    Bush supporters are in a remarkably stable state of cognitive dissonance according to this study: “The roots of the Bush supporters’ resistance to information,” according to Steven Kull, “very likely lie in the traumatic experience of 9/11 and equally in the near pitch-perfect leadership that President Bush showed in its immediate wake. This appears to have created a powerful bond between Bush and his supporters–and an idealized image of the President that makes it difficult for his supporters to imagine that he could have made incorrect judgments before the war, that world public opinion could be critical of his policies…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics - Random Access Memories

    We Hates The Yankees!

    We Hates Them, We Hates Them, We Hates Them Forever! I don’t know. All I can tell you is that for those of us who have felt like we never got to have any fun because the Yankees hogged it all, it was pretty fun. No pinstripes at the World Series? I can get behind that. I can totally get behind that, too. Now, I’m a transplanted Seattelite living in the Chicago suburbs. The only baseball team I could ever get excited about is the Mariners, because for one shining season in 1995 everything clicked, even when Griffey was out…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    Tag, You’re It!

    Apparently, everybody‘s doing it. So I am too. And no, I wouldn’t run off a cliff if everybody was doing that, too. It makes for a sucky blog entry. UPDATE: Hey, that didn’t take long, but the logo isn’t as cool as the one Joey the Accordion Guy blogged. UPDATED UPDATE: So yeah, my new tag line stays for a while. BTW, that wasn’t really “Robin Williams” that commented. David urged me to do a reverse lookup on on the source, and sure enough it led right back to his workplace. He totally cracked himself up. So now I’m Reality-Based…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    Dirty Money: Laundry Needed

    Another reason to vote for Melissa Bean and against Phil Crane: the list of sitting Congresscrittes who took dirty money: Tom DeLay PAC Contributions, By State Yep, Crane took about $10,000 – amazing. He manages to be a do-nothing at taking graft, too. Lots more Rethugs took way more, and quite a few didn’t take much or gave theirs back. So he’s bumping along in the middle.

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    Made My Day

    I gave Media Matters some money, a few minutes ago. They’ve made my day. In fact, I’m so cheered up generally that I’ll actually talk about something other than politics for a minute: the proposed film of Pattern Recognition. One of these days (I’m shooting for November 3rd or 4th, you know) I’ll get back to nattering on about something other than my nascent interest in politics. I’m pretty cheered up generally by a lot of the things linked at Media Matters, a site I’ve run across before. So I added them to my Bloglines list. They’re probably a little…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Reality-Based: Me Too!

    It’s been interesting tracking citations of the Ron Suskind article; that paragraph about how reporters and other people who think about the issues are part of the “reality-based community” has been making the rounds. And now Joey, soon to be known as Engaged Guy, has created a handy graphic. I can’t wait to see this mutate into buttons, shirts, web banners, and so on. So far, it’s showed up in a bunch of articles gathered at The Smirking Chimp (natch), plus lots of other commentators at major news sites, plus blogs, yadda yadda. Apparently we’re all shocked and awed that…

  • Politics, Schmolitics


    People ask how we do the job we do, and there’s another answer, too: because of you. We fight, and you hope. The act of taking up that banner links everyone together, even if you never take up a weapon. Freedom doesn’t mean isolation; it means connection, and admittance to a club with a wide-open membership. We have a common desire, it’s just the execution that’s different. People ask how they can support us. It’s very simple. Vote. I don’t care who you vote for, I just care that you do. Our deaths, our injuries, our sacrifices, are all payment…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    On The Other Hand – Kerry

    Kerry, we acknowledge, stands to the left of this newspaper on many issues. To restore fiscal order and responsibility, he must leave behind some of the social programs he favors. As a practical matter, a check on his more liberal instincts might be provided by a Congress that is likely to remain in Republican hands – although this Congress has aided and abetted the Bush administration’s building of record deficits. My God! The Daily Herald, a conservative suburban newspaper with a distinctly faith-based, family-oriented slant (Holy Moly advertises in it occasionally) endorses a Democrat challenger over a Republican incumbent. It’s…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    Chicago Tribune: La La La

    The Chicago Tribune has endorsed George W. Bush for President. Apparently the editorial was written by a journalist who, in spite of the many proven omissions, prevarications, contextual elisions and flat-out lies put out by the administration, spouts the same tired “strong leader, working hard” party line. It’s particularly shocking given that they have endorsed Bean over Crane, Obama over Keyes. Perhaps the Trib is merely attempting to preserve the appearance of non-partisanship, because the editorial is thoughtfully and carefully written. However, the arguments for retaining Bush and rejecting Kerry smack a little too much of shopworn Republican talking points.…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    Hard Work, or Workin’ Hard?

    Heard at choir practice yesterday: my choir dominatrice brought in a CD she found in her yard after she put up a Kerry/Edwards sign. It had a little orange sticker that said, approximately (and somewhat incoherently): MOSLEM’S FOR KERRY! ALLAH DEMANDS IT! he must be elected! Weird, eh? It’s a teen-boy prank, of course. There’s been a rash of signs torn and burned on both sides of the political fence, all over the country, and it’s my opinion that it’s snot-nosed kids. I wonder if I’ll get a free CD if I put up a lawn sign?? I’ve been thinking…