Illinois General Assembly – Representative Biography I went to my state legislature's website to verify my local state Senate and House reps so that I could drop them an email in support of a new Illinois "gay marriage bill" and was surprised (and not in a good way) to discover that NONE of the Illinois state legislators' email addresses are listed. So, I mailed a letter to my local state rep, but it's annoying that there's NO way to send an email also. [tags]Illinois, Politics, gay marriage[/tags]
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia head slams US candidate Australian PM John Howard has criticised US presidential hopeful Barack Obama for saying US troops should withdraw from Iraq next year. His comments came soon after Mr Obama officially announced he would seek the Democratic Presidential nomination. Mr Howard said al-Qaeda should be "praying as many times as possible" for an Obama victory in the 2008 elections. But Mr Obama reacted by saying Australia should increase its troops in Iraq, if Mr Howard was so concerned. That crack about al-Qaeda praying for an Obama victory: pure asshattedness, with the side…
- It starts in a few minutes but I just watched and listened to an electrifying, gospelized rendition of the national anthem
This is just a quick selection of articles about a topic that's currently dear to my heart: Congressional oversight. Unfortunately, a lot of shit is going to come to light, but unless there's a sexy-money scandal to get people lathered up over it, nothing will really change for the next couple of years. / World / US & Canada – Bush ‘distorted’ climate change reports The Bush administration has routinely suppressed or distorted communication of climate change science to the public, a climate specialist at Nasa’s Goddard Institute said on Tuesday. The accusation, before the chief oversight committee…
Bush's Four Anti-Terror Successes All Fictional | Let's Try Democracy Keith Olbermann recently cited these 4 statements lacking in truthiness. They're all vaguely familiar when you run down the background, and pumped up like a water-injected hotdog to look impressively beefy and unadulterated.
AP Wire | 01/30/2007 | Panel hears climate 'spin' allegations WASHINGTON – Federal scientists have been pressured to play down global warming, advocacy groups testified Tuesday at the Democrats' first investigative hearing since taking control of Congress. It's good to have a Congress capable of doing its job: investigating the issues and providing oversight. And yes, you WH pinheads, global warming is fact, not fiction.
The heck with Obama and Clinton… now that it's official, we'll be supporting Rileycat in his candidacy for President, and now we've got to convince our friend Steve to let his Golden Doodle, Polly, run for Vice President. It's an unbeatable ticket: cat people and dog people, Democat and Repuplican, unleashed on the American political scene for the first time. Forget Blue and Red America, it's time for Poo and Shed America! As running mates, they might have some problems, though Riley has been declawed and Polly reportedly "likes cats." His handlers, though, are allergic to cats, and we're not crazy…
The Blog | Bill Robinson: Draft Karl Roves Son | The Huffington Post Send your son to war.
Salt Lake Tribune – Hatch: Ethics bill all wrong WASHINGTON – Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch cast one of only two votes against an ethics reform bill that supporters are saying would be the most sweeping reform of congressional rules since Watergate. The bill to ban gifts, meals and travel funded by lobbyists and to force lawmakers to identify which special-interest funding they inserted in bills passed the Senate late Thursday 96-2, with Hatch and Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., opposing it. Hatch says he was making a “protest vote” because the bill – which was co-managed by fellow Utah Republican Sen.…
- news Voting against the bill were Republicans Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and Orrin Hatch of Utah. Sens. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., and Tim Johnson, D-S.D., did not vote. The bill in question: S.1, the ethics and lobbying bill.