• Politics, Schmolitics

    Bush on education: ‘childrens do learn’

    The Swamp: Cleaning up after Bush: It was ‘childrens do learn’ Yes, he said it. The original transcript “cleaned up” after Bush’s grammatical error – a stenographer silently corrected the gaffe. Then the howls of protest forced the White House to say that the “correction” was done in error, and the errant “s” would go back in the official transcript. Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress are trying to hold up health care for uninsured childrens, while Bush will be battling for billion$ to fund both wars.  Apparently, even though childrens do get sick, they must first be protect from the terrorist.…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Politics, Schmolitics

    More Evidence: Rahm Emanuel is Rove Lite

    I really didn’t care for Emanuel’s tactics during the 2006 race – the progressive blogs were complaining about this very stuff back then, and it irked the hell out of me. I was watching Tammy Duckworth‘s primary race at the time, and fuming about how she was getting lackluster support from the DCCC, probably because of her position against the war (and how striking she was in military uniform and prosthetic legs in campaign photos while campaigning on the issue). She’s doing good work for veterans now, but she could have been so much more effective in Congress. I hope…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Wait! NO! I changed My Mind!

    Can’t this guy see the writing on the wall?  Mitch McConnell says he’s done. That isn’t good enough? Sen. Craig may reconsider resignation, spokesman says – CNN.com Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, returned from the Senate’s summer recess and made his first public comments on Craig’s sudden downfall.He suggested that Republican leaders judged Craig more harshly than they did Republican Sen. David Vitter, of Louisiana, who was recently linked to a heterosexual prostitution service. “Everyone can see what they did with Vitter and what they did with Craig and draw their own conclusion,” Reid told…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Post Labor Day Product Rollout: War with Iran

    In addition to the Halloween and Thanksgiving Day and Christmas decorations that are going up even now in retail establishments across this great land, watch The Serious Mainstream Press for the marketing run-up for war with Iraqn: Informed Comment Global Affairs: Post Labor Day Product Rollout: War with Iran (Cross-posted at DailyKos)! They [the source’s institution] have “instructions” (yes, that was the word used) from the Office of the Vice-President to roll out a campaign for war with Iran in the week after Labor Day; it will be coordinated with the American Enterprise Institute, the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts - Politics, Schmolitics

    Paul Krugman Reminds Us That Petraeus Was Wrong Before

    Economist’s View: Paul Krugman: Snow Job in the Desert And General Petraeus’s history also suggests that he is much more … political … than his press would have you believe. In particular, six weeks before the 2004 presidential election, General Petraeus published an op-ed article in The Washington Post in which he claimed — wrongly, of course — that there had been “tangible progress” in Iraq, and that “momentum has gathered in recent months.”

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    WH Lied To Congresman Kanjorski, Others for War

    Kanjorski faces public, explains his Iraq vote | Wilkes-Barre News | timesleader.com – The Times Leader Kanjorski walked into the fire hall at 7:05 p.m. and immediately took off his suit jacket.“I’m sure it will get hot in here, especially when you start to yell at me,” he joked. “How many of you are mad or angry? I am too. I can not morally justify the pre-emptive invasion of another country unless the U.S. is in imminent danger of being attacked. We got there under false pretenses and we have stayed there.” Kanjorski took the time to tell the people…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Toto Is Eyeing The Curtain With Bad Intent

    Another day, another and another and another and another scandal that highlights the incompetence, hypocrisy, corruption, or greed of the current Administration. We can has impeechment naow? Mebbe not. We can has outrage? Yesh. First of all, let’s have a moment of silence for Lt. Colonel Ted Westhusing. I’ll remember him and his family in my prayers. He’s a victim of the corruption scandals (subset: Iraq) too. TPM Muckracker: Officer’s 2005 Suicide a Painful Reminder of Corruption in Iraq With the Pentagon’s inspector general set to arrive in Iraq in a few weeks to personally investigate allegations of corruption in,…

  • Funnies - Politics, Schmolitics - Radio

    How NPR Improves Political Discourse

    The back-and-forth between people of different political views in this country could stand some improvement, as currently it’s on the level of ad hominem “yer a wingnut/yer a moonbat” attacks. NPR’s “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me!” news quiz consistently brings the funny LOLs when discussing political figures – sometimes with those actual politcal figures’ participation! Today’s show included a short segment to follow up on an important fact that came up in the wake of Karl Rove’s departure this week – Barney, the White House Scottish terrier, is not terribly well liked by staffers, who characterized him recently as “aloof…

  • Only in Utah... - Politics, Schmolitics

    Romney Wins Iowa Straw Poll by a Sizable Margin – New York Times

    Romney Wins Iowa Straw Poll by a Sizable Margin – New York Times For all the hoopla and hype — there were news crews here from around the globe — the political significance of this event was questionable. Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York, like Mr. McCain, said he would not compete in the poll, citing the early advantage that Mr. Romney had built. In addition, this was not exactly a textbook case of American democracy in action. It cost $35 to cast a vote, and most of the campaigns picked up the cost of the voting tickets. Mr. Romney…