Yep, I had more on Chris Buttars that I found today. Sen. Chris Buttars listens to Cristy Gleave, of Salt Lake City, as she testifies before the Senate Health and Human Services Committee on Monday about Buttars’ bill to repeal the new domestic-partnership registry. (Scott Sommerdorf/The Salt Lake Tribune) “Christensen said Amendment 3 deliberately outlaws synonyms or substitutes that “approximate marriage.” And he alleged that registry supporters have “a broader agenda” than securing health benefits or visitation rights – which never have been threatened, according to SB267 backers. Tell that to Cristy Gleave, a lesbian mother who told the committee…
Utah’s other idiot pol named Chris, Rep. Cannon of that ilk, shoots his mouth off over his dreams of chairing a committee in Congress and bein’ all ‘portant and stuff. He has a mathematically possible chance and a practically impossible chance: a whole bunch of senior Republicans have decided to retire (or euphemism of choice) off of committees he’s on, but the Democrats would have to lose their majority for him to be anything other than “ranking Republican” on them. Or, “rank Republican” if you prefer. He paints a rosy picture indeed of how wonderful it would be for him…
Why vote Republican, when items like this pop up: BBC NEWS | Business | US consumer confidence plummets Confidence among US consumers has fallen to a 16-year low, as fears grow about recession and job cuts, a closely-watched survey has found. That’s right, since 1991… during the waning days of Bush 41. Coincidence? Maybe not.
State Sen. Chris Butters, R-SomeBraindeadConstituency, UT, has said some stupid things before, but this takes the cake: Salt Lake Tribune – Buttars’ racial slur leads to rebuke, apology It’s a good thing Sen. Chris Buttars, R-West Jordan, isn’t running for president of the United States. He had a macaca moment on the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon.”This baby is black It’s a dark ugly thing,” Buttars remarked during vigorous debate about SB48, legislation aimed at equalizing school capital outlay funding when school districts split. Buttars’ blunder outlasted debate on the bill. After senators returned from a 10-minute break, Senate President John…
US gov wants data on Europe air passengers – Boing Boing The US government is pressuring 27 European Union nations to agree on new transatlantic air travel security measures which include armed guards on all flights from Europe to America operated by US airlines. Wait, why weren’t we doing this in the period immediately following 9/11, when we became a nation of bug-eyed fraidy cats willing to hand over the Bill of Rights to the nice strong people in charge if only they would keep us safe from Osama the Boogie Man? I admit that on September 15, approximately when…
Case in point: Enthusiastic GOP teen to fight citations – Yahoo! News
Yes, I laughed out loud at a joke based on a very unfunny conceit. Is that wrong and bad? The more I read about how horrified the Repunditans – those most ultra-strident media voices screaming from the rightmost lunatic fringes on the far side of Genghis Khan – are with McCain’s success, the more I wonder at their blindness. Because it’s becoming evident that the folks who’ve been voting for McCain are the moderates who’ve been whipped and beaten into silent acquiesence by the social conservatives of the Religious Right, and the independents who aren’t going for the Democrats. McCain…
… because the Captiva (Audiencia) screen reported that Ralph Nader was thinking of running for President again. Don’t run, Ralph! Don’t screw this up for the rest of the country again! He’s baaaacccckkk….Nader forms presidential exploratory committee – Tales from the Trail: 2008
They can’t raise as much money as the Dems, they sense that they’re going to have a tough election season, and they’re quitting or resigning in order to give the gloss of incumbency to some poor schmuck the party slated to run for their old seat. Gee, this gives me hope. G.O.P. Faces Challenge in Efforts to Reclaim House – New York Times
This might offend some people, but it might make others go “BWAAAAAHHH” and spit-take milk out their noses.