Courtesy of The Guardian: a series of 9 pictures (so far) showing the leader of the free world doing what he does best when traveling – looking like a total dumbass and embarassing everyone. For some reason, the link to the Guardian is messing up – probably need to turn off a plugin that grabs titles.
Economist’s View: Paul Krugman: Know-Nothing Politics Another good phrase: “the party of stupid.”
Bob Cesca: Protecting McCain’s Ignorance with a ‘Great Wall of Duh’ Wow! I love that phrase. Gotta keep that one around.
Colombians Briefed McCain Before Rescue – CARTAGENA, Colombia, July 2 — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) spoke repeatedly Tuesday and early Wednesday about how he would work as president to free three American hostages held by leftist guerrillas in Colombia, but he declined to reveal one key fact: Colombian President Ãlvaro Uribe and his aides had briefed him Tuesday evening about the plan to rescue the Americans, along with 12 other captives.
Via the Mad Priest at Of course, I could be wrong…:say goodbye, it’s independence day
A couple of years ago, I toyed with the idea of recasting the Declaration of Independence, but it wouldn’t have been as good as this. There’s a video, too. Firedoglake » Rabble Rousers Post Subversive “Declaration†in NYT INDEPENDENCE DAYJuly 4, 1776 – 2008 When in the course of human events the government becomes destructive of the ends for which it was established, it is the Right of the People to alter it and demand restoration of those Constitutional Principles that have so long assured their Liberty, Safety, and Happiness. Therefore, on the anniversary of our Independence, we offer this…
…and the next time Todd Stroger comes up in the Democratic primary, I’ll vote for whoever opposes him in the race for Cook County Board President – I hope that will be Forrest Claypool again. Because starting tomorrow, Cook County will have the highest taxes in the country, brought to us by Todd Stroger and his cronies on the Board, along with assists from other local pols and unions and jamokes with a little clout. Your Stroger-Daley Tax — Fourth, think summer 2009. Relentlessly. There’s barely a year until candidates begin collecting petition signatures to get their names on…
Obama’s War Chest Drives a 50-State Strategy – Less than three weeks after securing the Democratic nomination, Mr. Obama is already dispatching paid staff members to all 50 states, an unusual move by the standards of modern presidential campaigns so often fought in just a contained group of contested territories. His aides and advisers said they did not believe Obama necessarily has a serious chance of winning in many of the traditionally Republican states, but rather that he can at least draw Mr. McCain into spending time and money there while also swelling the rolls of Democratic voters and…
Recently, Dave over at DDtB noted that Google Reader’s shared items can scroll off one’s web page widget pretty quickly, but that it set up a fairly nice unordered list if you copied it off the widget for further commentary on your blog. And so it does, especially if you choose Paste Special > Remove MS Word formatting, which also removes Mozilla- and Google-added style elements. This is handy if you have a number of links grouped together and want to grab them for a quick omnibus post. Not so easy if they’ve already scrolled off the widget and are on either your…
Check it out: a producer for FOX’s Bill O’Reilly attempts to beard the dragon in his den, and ambushes Bill Moyers at the National Conference for Media Reform. He tried the “repeat the question, repeat the question” badgering tactic, asking Moyers about his political affiliation, with the obvious implication that the conference is a nest of disloyal, pinko leftists. But Bill turns the tables on him, attempting to engage him, upbraiding him for acting as a shill for a man he calls “not a journalist, but a pugilist,” and challenges him to go back to his boss with an offer…