• Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    One Utah: McCain Caught Lying Again, Today

    One Utah » Blog Archive » McCain Caught Lying Again, Today. Yep, it turns out there are no official estimates of the size of the crowds he’s attracting to his rallies. His campaign staff cites fire marshals and Secret Service personnel, but actual fire marshals and Secret Service spokespersons contacted by reporters deny supplying the McCain people with crowd size estimates. Meanwhile, his staff now insist it’s never been about the size of the crowds, it’s what McCain does with them that counts. Audience envy. It’s not pretty.

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Lipstick on a Pig, Take 2

    First, NPR did an audio story direct from a pig farm in Virginia. Yes, they put Ruby Red lipstick on a black-and-white pig. It was a piece that left much to the imagination, and perhaps it’s better that way. Because apparently now it’s a trend: news organizations are falling all over themselves putting lipstick on pigs. Here’s the link to the Chicago Tribune video (yeah, they do video on their website. And they prove, unequivocally, that there’s really no amount of artful makeup techniques or products that can improve the appearance of a porker. With the possible exception of a…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    Garrison Keillor Ponders Things

    A misdirection in Minnesota — chicagotribune.com Meanwhile, Sen. John McCain has posed a stark question for voters to ponder: How much would you like to see Sarah Palin of Wasilla, Alaska, as the next president of the United States? And what does the question say about McCain’s love of the country that she might suddenly need to lead? No need to discuss these things at length, really. The gentleman played his card, a two of hearts. Make of it what you will. Two good questions. And an interesting excursion into the workings of Minnesota senatorial politics later on, too.

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Yes they can: Chicagoans get entry to speech at last minute

    Yes they can: Chicagoans get entry to speech at last minute — chicagotribune.com DENVER – The group of Chicago people who took a bus to the Democratic National Convention without credentials will get to see Sen. Barack Obama accept the nomination for president after all. They will be the ones in the white T-shirts showing people to their seats. Yay! They made it in! I’m so glad for them. It was one of the small stories reported in the Chi-Trib about the convention that caught my attention.

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Tammy Duckworth, you GO, girl!

    Daily Herald | Duckworth blasts McCain over military policy The former congressional candidate painted McCain as weak on veteran issues, despite his service as a Vietnam War veteran and POW. Duckworth touted Obama’s efforts at boosting GI health care and benefits. Duckworth now is head of the state’s veteran’s affairs department. She recently has been mentioned as a possible successor to Obama in the U.S. Senate should he win. Here we are in Dublin, Ireland, logging in to check the political news, and find this news item in my “local news” section of Google News. We voted for Tammy when…