The TV Watch – A Question Reprised, but the Words Come None Too Easily for Palin – I couldn’t bear to watch the video, but ran across this summary of the Katie Couric interview with Sarah Palin. It’s painfully obvious that without a teleprompter, she fails miserably. No wonder they’ve kept her away from the press… and by the way, she eventually earned a college degree. In journalism, no less. Read it, and weep.
Read the whole thing. Tomorrow is going to be a very ugly day in the markets and in the press. Talks Implode During Day of Chaos; Fate of Bailout Plan Remains Unresolved – When Congressional leaders and Senators John McCain and Barack Obama, the two major party presidential candidates, trooped to the White House on Thursday afternoon, most signs pointed toward a bipartisan agreement on a grand compromise that could be accepted by all sides and signed into law by the weekend. It was intended to pump billions of dollars into the financial system, restoring liquidity and keeping credit…
Yesterday, it was my birthday. The story of Margriet Oostveen, the Dutch writer who volunteered for both US Presidential campaigns to gather insight and material for her column broke, and what keen prezzie! She claims she was taught how to write “letters to the editor” that would be signed by real McCain supporters in battleground states. The story was originally published in a Dutch paper, but she also had it picked up in English on It’s possible to read it on the AP/Yahoo version (I’m kind of down on AP and their policies and stupid re-design right now so…
Earlier today, I jokingly speculated that the reason McCain was trying to delay or postpone or cancel the debate was really because his polling sucked, and he was stalling for time. It appears that I’m not the only one that thinks this. And now, it looks like Palin’s debate will either be postponed or cancelled – the events are being held hostage, in a way, as bargaining chips in the deal McCain thinks he must make with Senate Democrats in order to look all leaderly ‘n shit. If they don’t wise up and fall into line on the bailout debate,…
State GOP pols react harshly to Biden’s coal remarks A former Colorado congressman and a state senator lashed out today at Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s comments against increasing the use of coal in the United States. Biden “doesn’t give a dilly about a coal miner’s family or a coal miner’s job,†said Scott McInnis, a Republican who represented Colorado’s 3rd District, which includes several coal mines, such as those in Delta and Mesa counties. “No coal plants here in America,†Biden said on a campaign swing in Ohio. “Build them, if they’re going to build them, over there†in…
Still More Questions About Sarah Palin and that Combed-Over Guy with the Creepy Smile Who Hangs on to Her Skirt for Dear Life – – The Room I won the poll, what’s my prize?? Huh?
It’s amazing how much I didn’t know about the separation of church and state. I’ve always been a big proponent of the concept (hmm, something to do with being bullied as a redheaded stranger-child in a near-theocracy). But I didn’t know where the limitations lay, and I came up short in a discussion of politics at, of all places, Holy Moly. I had been incensed over the last week or so about how the LDS Church was throwing a lot of money at Proposition 8 (the gay marriage ban) in California, and today I was dismayed to find that the…
In These Times – March 6, 2000 – Free Ride Here is what happened: McCain boasted to my wife and me over lunch in Washington that he had planted complex questions with the Senate Interior Committee chairman to sabotage the testimony of Arizona Gov. Rose Mofford, a Democrat, about the Central Arizona Project, the multibillion-dollar Colorado River water delivery system for Arizona urban areas. When I protested to McCain that the project had enjoyed bipartisan support for nearly 50 years, from conservative Barry Goldwater to liberal Morris Udall, McCain retorted: “I’m duty bound to embarrass a Democrat whenever I can.”
Barack Obama Bumper Stickers Cool idea, but the Illinois sticker is a graphic with Obama and Biden, with a background shot of the funny red state Capitol rotunda. Where’s Lincoln? Where’s the Chicago skyline, the fertile downstate fields, or a clever recasting of the state flag? It has a rampant eagle, a Federal shield, and a really pretty golden sunburst. Can’t someone do a mix with the “O” logo, please? Because until then, I’m from Hawaii, my “maybe someday” spiritual home. The sticker says “Obama Ohana.” As everybody knows, “ohana” means “family.” Via BoingBoing
I also wonder, what would Gerald Ford have thought if he could somehow see McCain coming to lay flowers at his grave with First Dude? …And what is Todd Palin doing there in the first place — especially when (forsaking the excellent adventure) he could be home with the baby and kids? Ah. This is one of those “reach out to the moderates” action straight out of the playbook. Ford would be appalled, I think, by Palin’s politics, as he was appalled by the Religious Right’s co-opting of the party. Reported this one to The General.