• All Things Interesting - Hot Off The Presses - London - Only in Utah... - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - Politics, Schmolitics - Random Access Memories

    Blogyear In Review

    While putting off the task of adding a personal note to holiday cards that MUST! GO! OUT!, I decided to review My Year In Blogging. January: Today, at Holy Moly, we had some excitement too. I ended up staying for both services just because there was a rehearsal for the big day after the second service. There was lots of laughter, a little girl threw up in front of the choir, Pat Kalicki stood in for Bishop Katharine in the run-through wearing a paper bishop’s mitre, and there was lots of chaos and general anarchy. Later on in February, Presiding…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    A Faceful of Frowns

    The photo gallery from the Chicago Tribune features a number of people wearing a particular kind of expression; it seems to be common to many Illinois political figures in times of stress, bad news, or legal trouble. Gov. Rod leaving for “work.” Anybody up for a spontaneous protest march past his home and/or office? I bet we could get 100,000 people, based on the latest poll. Gov. Rod in court. Yes, he was in running clothes. Even though he was called and apparently awakened by the FBI, he chose to look like this in court. Must have laid out the…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Illinois Led The Way To Progress from Corruption Before

    Nearly 100 years ago,  a scandal from Illinois led the nation to change the way US Senators were selected, from being elected by state legislators as originally laid out in the Constitution, to direct election by the people.  The Progressives were the ones that cleaned up the mess. Predictive? Early 1900s Illinois scandal led to direct election of U.S. senators — chicagotribune.com The Chicago case of alleged corruption played a prominent role in the nation’s decision to amend the Constitution and allow state voters to elect their senators. It was a solution that seems to have worked for 95 years,…

  • Geek Out! - Politics, Schmolitics

    Governor Blago’s Facebook Page

    Unhappy birthday, Governor Blago. Please resign immediately for the good of the state, so Lt. Gov. Quinn can appoint someone untainted by your greed and mendacity as our second U.S. Senator. There are actually fairly recent posted items and photos – Thanksgiving with the Chicago Christian Industrial League, lighting a Christmas tree for an event called “Keeping our kids warm and safe.” I think I must not have the flu, I hardly feel like barfing at all. Detailed Info Website: http://www.illinois.gov/gov/ Gender: Male Relationship Status: Married to Patti Blagojevich Birthday: December 10, 1956 Political Views: Moderate Activities: Governing, Running, Playing…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    The Big Shiny Yellow Hammer Came Down On Blago Today

    I’ve been in a state of shock all day at work, trying to keep up with the news of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s arrest via Twitter and Google Reader. I’ve been stashing stories away on my alternate blog – the one that is easier to send entire linked posts to from Reader – and just on my way home tonight was growing more and more infuriated about Blago’s massive contempt for the people of this state. We elected the guy; we need to insist that our General Assembly impeach the guy and come up with the legislation passed for a special…