• Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Christ’s War: A Simple Choice

    Candidate Tim D’Annunzio, running for Congress in NC, is so far gone in religious mania that the local GOP is circulating docs from his divorce to show how much crazy he brings. His prayers were not answered, he’s in a runoff, we’ll need more popcorn. Christ’s War: A Simple Choice. Most of his blogposts consist of lengthy Bible quotes, but his beliefs tend toward the “watched too much Stargate while obsessively highlighting texts in the KJV” end of the spectrum. His political statements are quite possibly the most seriously disturbing views I’ve ever seen made public by a viable candidate.…

  • All Things Interesting - Politics, Schmolitics

    Matty Hair to Hairy Mat

    It’s harder than I thought to donate my recently-shorn hair to the charity that turns hair and pet fur clippings into oil-spill booms. They require that you sign up first, then wait to be sent an address for shipping. And they really discourage individuals from donating; they prefer bulk shipments from salons and groomers. Meanwhile their storage facilities are getting backed up near the Gulf, as BP didn’t want to accept the donated booms. The hell? So maybe they’ll send straight to the Louisiana Wetlands people? Welcome to Matter Of Trust.

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Anchor Baby, Anchor

    The disgusting “anchor baby” argument raises its ugly, badly supported head in the Utah runoff campaign between the two Republicans. Constitution be damned! That pesky 14th amendment was really about establishing the citizenship of former slaves, after all. Apparently the Constitution was framed by our Founders for whites only, according to these yobbos. I can only hope that the Utah electorate is smart enough to figure this out but… What am I thinking? With a dominant culture that discourages critical thinking, and an educational system that is very much a product of the culture, it’s likely that the next senator…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    More Like the Guy I Voted For

    President Obama rips BP, Transocean, Halliburton execs a new one. ‘Ridiculous spectacle’: Obama slams BP, Transocean over Gulf oil spill | McClatchy As for Tuesday’s testimony in which companies involved passed the blame for the spill, the president said, “I did not appreciate what I considered to be a ridiculous spectacle during the congressional hearings into this matter. You had executives of B.P. and Transocean and Halliburton falling over each other to point the finger of blame at somebody else. The American people could not have been impressed with that display, and I certainly wasn’t.”

  • Only in Utah... - Politics, Schmolitics

    Claudia Wright for US Congress, UT-02

    Hope my Utah friends and family take an interest in politics this fall and VOTE; even in ultra-mega-infra-Red Utah, there are Democrats worth electin. One of them is NOT worth re-electing: Jim Matheson, Blue Dog incumbent from the second Congressional district was thrown into a primary because his opponent, progressive liberal Claudia Wright, galvanized yesterday’s Democratic convention delegates. Howie Klein: Can Brigham Young’s Great Great Gay Progressive Granddaughter Oust A Blue Dog & Win A House Seat In Utah? A hearty band of awesome Democrats there put their collective foot down and prevented anti-healthcare Blue Dog Jim Matheson from winning…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Common Sense For British Voters

    Stephen Fry lays it out. Ultimately, vote how you like, but VOTE! How I will vote… « Stephen Fry. More important than my own political views or my own voting intentions are my hopes that nothing I say will stop you from choosing Conservative if you consider it the right way to cast your vote. It may be you will be voting Tory through dyed-in-the-wool instinct and loyalty or it may be that you are someone who once voted Labour or Lib Dem but who has decided that Cameron and the Conservatives will be best for Britain. It’s none of…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    An American Brand Name Heads to Mexico – After Taking Economic Recovery Funds | Crooks and Liars

    Need to edit my “How old is your Whirlpool?” post to point to this… insult to American working people and consumers. An American Brand Name Heads to Mexico – After Taking Economic Recovery Funds | Crooks and Liars. Guess how Whirlpool is repaying American taxpayers for their support: Whirlpool Corporation is shutting down a refrigerator plant in Evansville, Indiana that will put 1100 people out of work. Are they having trouble selling refrigerators in these bad economic times? No. Whirlpool is profitable and still selling plenty of refrigerators here. But they want to ship these jobs to Mexico where they…

  • Notty Problems: Even Leaving Doesn't Solve Them - Only in Utah... - Politics, Schmolitics

    True-Blue Believers in God, Guns and Postum to the North, Caffeinated Non-Violent Pinko Heathens to the South

    …that’s how politics in Utah works when both major parties book their conventions into the same complex on the same date. Rolly: Guns and coffee don’t mix – Salt Lake Tribune The Republicans secured their Salt Palace space some time ago and will hold their convention on the complex’s north side. The Democrats were having a difficult time finding a suitable place for what they were willing to pay, then settled on the Salt Palace’s south section after a group canceled its reservation for that day. So between the two parties — the Democrats have around 2,700 delegates, and plan…