• Mini-Posts - Politics, Schmolitics

    Vote Informed Tomorrow

    Last time around I forgot to print off the guides to the “down-ticket” races and felt very uncomfortable voting for complete unknowns in the many, many judges’ races. VoteForJudges.org Gives Voters the Information They Need To Make An Informed Decision When Judging The Judges On The November Election Ballot Via Vote For Judges

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Illinois Senate – Vote Twice For Your Guy

    Yeah, yeah. I’m just sad that I can’t vote AGAINST “Tombstone” Burris. The old Chicago adage "vote often" takes on new meaning Tuesday — instead of voting once for U.S. Senate, voters will weigh in twice. It’s all legit. The quirk is wrapped up in the drawn-out drama associated with the Senate seat that Barack Obama vacated after he was elected president in 2008. The short of it is that a federal judge ordered a special election to fill the remaining roughly 40 days of Obama’s Senate term. In the interests of time, that special election is being held at…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Carter Slams FOX. Expect Bunny Reference In Rebuttal

    You can bet somebody at FOX will make a “witty” remark about killer rabbits to take the sting off Former President Jimmy Carter slammed Fox News Channel Sunday for their coverage of President Barack Obama. “With the discussion groups, for instance, on Fox News, that are totally biased, and they implant completely false images not only of the facts about legislation that’s passed, or doesn’t get passed, but also about the character of President Obama,” Cater told CNN’s Howard Kurtz. via Jimmy Carter: Fox News is ‘totally biased’ | Video Cafe. UPDATE: Thanks to Mitch for the timely rebuttal!

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Hey, Buddy, Wanna Buy An Election?

    Outside groups are dumping wads of cash on “ad buys” in most states… guess somebody wants to buy some politicians, huh? An unprecedented influx of political cash — most of it from outside Illinois — is feeding an inescapable wave of television attack ads aimed at manipulating voters in the final weeks of high-stakes campaigns for U.S. Senate and governor. via Money rolls in, campaign ads roll on – chicagotribune.com.

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    The Truth Would Set Us Free If Only The Lies Weren’t So Irresistible

    The stupid people shall elect the leaders that gave them the tastiest Kool-Aid to drink, which allowed them to blame their problems on the Dems who’ve been unable to solve them, instead of on the cynical Repubs who caused the problems in the first place, then blocked every solution they could. Polls are useless, and we’re in deeper trouble if sane people don’t vote. Stop the insanity, VOTE! One of the biggest problems facing the Democrats going into this election is that they’re getting absolutely zero respect for everything they’ve done for the average American over the past two years.…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    News & Opinion: The Ugly Truth (Tucson Weekly . 07-06-98)

    Lately I’ve been feeling bad for U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno. This is perhaps the most successful female lawyer of all time, and yet all we ever hear about is that she’s too tall, too gawky, and just plain unattractive. What does that have to do with anything? Is it her choice to go through life unattractive and unattached? I don’t think so. I saw her interviewed once and she poignantly said that she really felt bad about never having had the opportunity to get married and have children, or for that matter, to even date all that much. Is…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Politics, Schmolitics

    Tolkien Hated Hitler: What Would He Make Of Glenn Beck?

    What with all Chaplinesque moustache-porn videos going around, I do wonder what J.R.R. Tolkien would make of the current culture wars. He knew his way around a mythology, invented or real, so I wonder what he’d think of Beck’s reverse-engineering of the national mythos of the Founding Fathers? 10. He wasn’t nearly as fond of Nazis as they were of him. Tolkien’s academic writings on Old Norse and Germanic history, language and culture were extremely popular among the Nazi elite, who were obsessed with recreating ancient Germanic civilization. But Tolkien was disgusted by Hitler and the Nazi party, and made…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    The Palin Theory Of How She Should Conduct Her Life: Hardly Working, Not Working Hard

    Flying high after flexing muscles in GOP primaries, Sarah Palins next stops: Iowa, cable TV – chicagotribune.com. Remember John Glenn? The former astronaut and senator drew huge crowds and intense attention here when he sought the Democratic nomination in 1984 — and got just 4 percent of the vote. “They were coming out to see John Glenn the astronaut, not John Glenn the Democrat running for president,” said veteran Republican strategist Eric Woolson. If she runs, Palin would start with strong appeal among the social and religious conservatives who play a crucial role in Iowa’s Republican politics. But that appeal…