That’s your signature on that “take back the twenty” graphic that was taken down from your site earlier today. Gabrielle Giffords knew she was one of the “targets” during the election: “We’re on Sarah Palin’s targeted list, but, the thing is, that the way that she has it depicted, has the crosshairs of a gunsight over our district. When people do that, they’ve got to realize there’s consequences to that action.” —Gabrielle Giffords on MSNBC Words matter, and so do symbols. To an unbalanced man with a gun, this is like a shopping list. Via: Flickr Title: Repudiate This, Sarah…
Apparently the Constitution, which the 112th House of Congressional Pancakes read aloud today like any other incoming class of fourth-graders at the beginning of their Civics module, requires that the oath of office be taken by lawmakers in Congress. Two little Congressmen were so busy taking a “victory lap” with supporters that they sluffed homeroom and skipped the oath-taking ceremony, a quaint tradition that a mere frosh Congressman attended and who was duly sworn in, with an NPR reporter shadowing him for the day. The more senior members thought they knew better. Even sweeter, one of the oathskippers was anti-gay…
Wow, I actually got a comment that isn’t spam, a request for a washing machine part, or looking for Fry Sauce. It’s from a recent post called “My God is the God of the Poor,” which was just a link to a awesome recent post by Pastor Dan that ***Dave passed along. In it, I said as I quoted pastordan Something else I believe as a liberal Episcopalian, put a little more aggressively: My God is the God of the poor. You can be for the poor or you can go to hell. A month later, I get this rather…
I saw those weirdo “Impeach Obama” guys at the corner of Golf and Roselle again on my way home. Took a picture of the guy (sorry for bad quality, blown up from mirror shot) talking and laughing with the guy behind me. The driver actually gave money to this… Bozo. They must travel around the area with their little signs and clipboards – here’s a story from a while back: The middle-aged man hoisting an “Impeach Obama” poster appeared to be intelligent, level-headed, and sincere. But the fliers he handed out at the intersection of US 30 and Mississippi Street…
So this is why the Jesus Christianists hate Barbara Ehrenreich’s book “Nickel and Dimed” so much. Hat tip to @stopbeck for mentioning the effort to ban it, which goes back years but has a consistent Christian-Right taint. “It would be nice if someone would read this sad-eyed crowd the Sermon on the Mount, accompanied by a rousing commentary on income inequality and the need for a hike in the minimum wage. But Jesus makes his appearance here only as a corpse; the living man, the wine-guzzling vagrant and precocious socialist, is never once mentioned, nor anything he ever had to…
After the dream I had the other night, stories like this tend to leap out at me. Alternet: 16 Dumb Things Americans are often misinformed, occasionally downright dumb, and easily misled by juicy-sounding rumors. But while the right wing is taking full advantage of this reality, the Left worries that calling out lies is “rude.”
Abortion. It’s always been on the table, but now we can expect a little more… push. I was reading Talking Points Memo the other day and saw an ad for this anti-abortion outfit in the sidebar. Knowing that TPM gets paid for clicks, I took their survey, answering NO to every heavily biased question. The response was the long screed about the sanctity of life, with no acknowledgment of my answers. Obviously, not a survey, but a preachable moment and more importantly, a fundraising gimmick. Well, he’s NOT preaching to the choir here, and I’m certainly NOT a member…
Har de Har, Mr Ex-President, thanks for leaving office feet down but the economy feet up. Via The Guardian
So where it really counted – the Senate races featuring female religious fanatics like Angle and O’Donnell, Palin’s endorsement wasn’t enough. And in O’Donnell’s case, not even a Bumpit and a bunch of rabid teabaggers shouting slogans outside polling places were enough, thanks be to God. Via Palin A Loser | Talking Points Memo.