• Politics, Schmolitics

    America The Fee: Rich Conservatives Buying The Election?

    The more I read about the amount of money being spent and the disingenuous defense of Citizens United, the more I think that primaries and elections and polls won’t matter in the future, only dollars and nonsense. WASHINGTON — Casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, whose net worth makes him one of the worlds richest men, is on a check-writing spree that will soon bring his total political contributions in this election cycle to at least $71 million, according to sources familiar with his spending. That money is spread across the spectrum of GOP super PACs, which are required to disclose donors,…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    PayPal For Paul? Time To Find An Alternative

    Holy Jeebus! Time to find an alternative to PayPal ASAP!! In the race for the Republican presidential nomination, only one candidate remains to challenge presumptive nominee Mitt Romney: Texas Rep. Ron Paul. Even Paul has said he will no longer campaign in states that have yet to hold their primaries. And Paul has always been considered a long shot to win. But that hasn’t deterred many of his hard-core supporters, including the Silicon Valley billionaire who has bankrolled the superPAC backing Paul. Peter Thiel is a venture capitalist, entrepreneur and co-founder of PayPal. He hit the jackpot again when he…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Politics, Schmolitics

    Balloon Juice » One More Thing About Komen (It Forced Progressives To Grow A Pair)

    THIS. Thanks to my Second Life chum RevPaperboy Boozehound for bringing this to my attention. I had been feeling the same way about the huge outpouring of progressive outrage over the Komen debacle, but this crystallized it for me. DON’T believe the lies. EVERYTHING said about Obama, the economy, and the whole freakin WORLD by FOX Newa commentators and right-wing guests is a a GOD. DAMNED. LIE. Progressives, assemble. Occupy your passion for justice, fairness, and universal healthcare. This time, though, was different. It was nice to watch everyone go for blood, and sink their teeth in and get some.…

  • Politics, Schmolitics - Uncategorical Weirdness

    One Billionaire Could Buy The Presidency; Why Bother With Elections?

    This news item disturbs me for several reasons. I’ve been thinking about it for days. Then on last night’s Real Time with Bill Maher Adelson’s name came up, so I thought I’d get this draft up. Sheldon Adelson is also, far and away, the biggest patron of Newt Gingrich’s surging Republican presidential bid. Adelson and his wife, Miriam, have pumped $10 million into a political action committee backing Gingrich that is run by the former House speaker’s onetime aides. Campaign finance experts say the two $5 million contributions are among the largest known political donations in U.S. history. No other…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    He Who Must Not Be Named In American Politics: George W. Quirrell

    No, no, no. Karl Rove is Voldemort. Bush is the twitchy guy that carries him around hidden in his turban. He inherits the “must not be named” status that his evil overlord parasite confers. To Democrats, George W. Bush is the Voldemort of American politics, an evil force. But even to Republicans, he is He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, someone you dare not talk about as you try to win the votes of conservative Iowans. Link: George W. Bush, Voldemort Of American Politics, Rules From The Shadows – The Huffington Post

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Introducing “We the Corporations” banner | Movement for the People

    The Corporate-Person American movement is picking up steam… hilarious satire is always best when it flies a little under the radar. Stumbled across this when I was looking for images of Occupy cardboard protest signs for an event in Second Life. From the serious to the absurd, spectacular imagery, costumes, and music will accompany a cast of characters who self-identify as “Corporate Persons” gathering to celebrate the first anniversary of their Emancipation from the shackles of disenfranchisement, and demand full recognition of a new minority status: the Corporate-Person American. They will unveil their giant “We the Corporations” reworking of the…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    The phrase “Walsh Got Deliciously Screwed In Redistricting” Never Gets Old #p2 #IL08

    Kossack David Nir gets to consume e tasty beverage of his choice; his diary on Rep. Joe Walsh’s reported $3.5mil campaign fund windfall got quoted on Huffington Post. That’s not quite as prestigious as being cited in Time or The New York Times, but it’s a pretty good showing. Especially as HuffPo’s Meghan Neal quoted my favorite political turn of phrase of the current election cycle. The closest I ever got to seeing my Congressman was when I showed up at a “small business” forum held nearby. Took photos of all the media trucks and went home. Well done, Kossack!…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Nutshell @RepJoeWalsh – Have TV Camera, Will Babble

    This paragraph contains everything you need to know about Deadbeat Dad Rep. Joe Walsh, with the exception of his unwavering support for the state of Israel, and his complete failure to work on anything of actual benefit to the district. The meeting was held in Chicago’s Wrigleyville neighborhood — far from any of the districts he had considered representing but closer to TV cameras. Walsh, a darling of the tea party movement, has been a controversial political figure. At town hall meetings, Walsh has sharply rebuked some questioners, and he remains involved in a court dispute with his former wife…