They really should take him up on this. Also, I have surrendered; I don’t welcome our Google Plus overlords, but I’ll let them in the house on a hot day and listen politely. And I like the clean “if you like this, please share” icons in Kevin’s post, so will implement that here and at Holy Moly. And so I put my resources where my mouth is. As the former lead designer for Google Reader, I offer my services to Google, rejoining for a three month contract in order to restore and enhance the utility of Google Reader, while keeping…
It’s been too long, so I’m just going to start blogging things again. First up: it has to be said, AOL email addresses are not cool, they indicate that the sender is stuck in a rut, and sometimes people make value judgements about you if you’re using one. If famous people are still using AOL emails, it’s because they can’t be bothered. AOL addresses are not a status symbol. This is another example of the sycophantic logic that twists powerful people’s flaws into reinforcing how much better they are than normal people. Mark Zuckerberg’s too busy to buy presentable clothes!…
From today’s Astronomy Picture of the Day, a video of the southern sky. Ocean Sky from Alex Cherney on Vimeo.
Sometime next year I’ll get around to blogging about our wonderful recent vacation to the Olympic Peninsula and Seattle – one of the most fun things was dropping in on my friend Seattle Tammy at her store, Books on 7th, in Hoquiam Washington. You can even BUY BOOKS FROM THEIR ONLINE STORE, and I happen to know they just got in a big consignment of old cookery books… Turns out Hoquiam is now famous after a recent incident with a deceased member of the Family Mustelidae put them on the international news wires, and LOLmarten images went viral. “We’re not…
My friend Pfalz Prophets has been blogging a bit lately on human rights issues for GLTB persons, and this post does not deserve to be notoriously ignored. Disclaimer: I have sung in church with PP, and attest to his musicianship and scholarly chops. I discovered a new hate group the other day, the National Organization for Marriage, thanks to my signing up with the Southern Poverty Law Center. Maggie Gallagher, the chairman of the group, issued a standard press release, to which I responded with this e-mail:”It has come to my attention that you are conducting a nationwide campaign opposing…
It’s 10 degrees Fahrenheit here and snowing. We were going to go out with the cameras but so far it’s a coffee-in-bed day. The new heated mattress pad has been getting heavy use; David leaves it on all day during the week so Riley can stay cozy under the covers while the automatic thermostat lowers the temp til we get home. Here’s a wonderful blog I found following Chris’ recent kind comment; it’s a collection of wartime love letters. It is still most stringently cold here. Last night we had a heavy fall of snow; today the temperature is very…
- Yes, wingnut rhetoric is dangerous and irresponsible and loony. But worrying about whether or not wingnut rhetoric is responsible for the Tucson nutjob, well, that’s like worrying about shutting the barn door after the horse has been shot and fucked and sold for glue. Surely: this shooting was horrific. But then, wingnut rhetoric has directly led to mind-boggling numbers of deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan; it’s ruined the American economy; it’s made torture routine; it has succeeded in preventing the nation from taking effective action to prevent environmental catastrophe.
Confusion at Daily Kos today in the swirling aftermath of the Giffords shooting – the right-wing commenters at Palin’s Facebook page, on Twitter, and on many, many blogs have pounced on the curious case of a Daily Kos diary that criticized Rep Giffords was deleted earlier today. They were quick to howl that the diarist, a low-level member named BlueBoy whose diary didn’t get very many comments or “recs,” must be the same person as Jared Lee Loughner, the accused shooter. Well, it appears he’s not, as he’s been posting in comments threads on Daily Kos tonight. He took the…
Wow, I actually got a comment that isn’t spam, a request for a washing machine part, or looking for Fry Sauce. It’s from a recent post called “My God is the God of the Poor,” which was just a link to a awesome recent post by Pastor Dan that ***Dave passed along. In it, I said as I quoted pastordan Something else I believe as a liberal Episcopalian, put a little more aggressively: My God is the God of the poor. You can be for the poor or you can go to hell. A month later, I get this rather…
The following may or may not be helpful if you know someone who’s struggling to stay positive or to stay on an even keel emotionally. I’m totally stealing it as a tactic, because the Midwestern Change-The-Subject Discomfort doesn’t really offer viable options for talking to someone about problems they may have, where Southern In-Your-Face Comfort does. Not that we’re talking anything about anything specific here, just taking note of a useful tactic. I don’t want to embarrass anyone, so I’m not going into specifics, but I also want to write about this, because I’m totally stealing it as a tactic.…