• Uncategorical Weirdness

    Not Investigative Journalism’s Finest Hour

    Dateline NBC undercover reporter outed A LOT OF MAKEUP can make you prettier, but it won’t make you smarter. Michelle Madigan, Associate Producer for Dateline NBC found this out the hard way at Defcon. According to sources at the show, she was there to do a piece called Hackers for Hire, with the goal of showing the criminal hacker underground and possibly outing an undercover fed. As Michelle was said to have said, “People in Kansas would be very interested in what is going on at Defcon”. She was busted hours before she walked in the door, the first slide…

  • Uncategorical Weirdness

    Greenberg Quinlan Rosner | News

    Greenberg Quinlan Rosner | News Washington, DC. Democracy Corps and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner have completed a comprehensive and multi-modal survey of America’s youth ages 18-29. This major, multi-mode survey of America’s young people shows young people profoundly alienated from the Republican Party and poised to deliver a significant majority to the Democratic nominee for President in 2008. Involving a combination of land-line telephone survey, cell-phone interviews and web research, surveyors overcame the inherent difficulties and biases of researching this population. The survey finds young people profoundly alienated from the Republican party and its perceived values. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack…

  • Uncategorical Weirdness

    Blind people shouldn’t drive

    UPDATE:Yes, yes, I know that ATMs have to be ADA-compliant, but still, this one is in a drive-up only bay, where signs clearly say that pedestrians should visit the ATM in the entrance lobby for safety’s sake. The only way a person with severe vision impairments could safely visit this one is if he or she is in the left-hand rear passenger seat. How often does that happen? Clearly, not often, even though someone has added a somewhat helpful addendum to the notice about the audio assistance: “Blind people shouldn’t drive.” Via: Flickr Title: Blind people shouldn’t drive By: GinnyRED57…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics - Uncategorical Weirdness

    A Decision Made Largely By Rove (and Cheney)

    A Decision Made Largely Alone President Bush limited his deliberations over commuting the jail term of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby to a few close aides, opting not to consult with the Justice Department and rebuffing efforts by close friends to lobby on Libby’s behalf, administration officials and people close to Bush said yesterday. Let’s see… on that short list would be Cheney, Rove, and maybe Barney. Possibly Laura, if she can take time off from her “No Regrets Tour.” Bush listens to no one else except that voice in his head that keeps telling him he’s doing God’s work. January…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Only in Utah... - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Tagged: 8 Random Facts about Me (Oh Noes! A Meme!)

    Dang it! I got tapped to be chairperson of one of the two ministry teams I joined at Holy Moly today. Actually, I was nominated in a pre-meeting email, and hadn’t responded, thinking “I’ve never been good at this leadership stuff. I’m too disorganized. I don’t want to fail miserably. I’m forever making promises I don’t keep, but people are too kind to say anything.” And then the readings today…all of them… seemed to be about hearing the call, being a good disciple to a master that passes on the call, and not being wishy-washy. So what could I do?…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Episcopal - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Letters from Lambeth

    The Lead The Episcopal Cafe blogged recently about a letter that Ruth Gledhill received from Lambeth Palace hinting that Bishop Gene Robinson may be invited to the big decennial Lambeth Conference next year after all, perhaps in “some other status” than as Bishop of New Hamphire. The weird thing is that I saw the very same, or nearly identical letter with my own eyes last night at a team meeting at Holy Moly, because one of our Senior Wardens received it in response to a letter that he wrote as a member of Integrity. He had I had chuckled over…

  • Music - Today - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Creepy Motivational Messages

    WOLFGANG SPEGG – MUSICMUSICMUSIC INC MU5.FNM: TWST That’s business-to-business product number two. Business-to-business product number three is a competitive product to the Muzak(r) products where we stream music into industrial locations, restaurants, office buildings, etc., but in a totally randomised fashion, so that they do not have to listen to the same program day after day, hour after hour because the Muzak(r) product is mainly delivered on CD and they play the same 90 minutes of music over and over again for two weeks. We deliver a never- ending randomised stream and the ability for them to insert their own…