• Uncategorical Weirdness

    OS X-Man

    Tract houses like ours don’t have front porches, and Steve can’t be inside with all the cat stuff. Patio stuff is still packed (rainy spring and summer). Solution: camp chairs on the driveway. With iPhones. Earlier, Steve had his Mac laptop out (the wi-fi juuuust makes it). He leaves for his road trip soon. West Coast, you have been warned. Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: OS X-Man By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 4 Jul ’09, 11.44am CDT PST

  • Uncategorical Weirdness

    Welcome, New Robot Overlord!

    It’s a reconditioned Roomba, now charging in its dock. It does a decent job getting edges and under stuff; later on we’ll reposition it upstairs and let it work under the bed. Riley is not thrilled. We’re going to attach a short piece of string to it later and see what happens. Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Welcome, New Robot Overlord! By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 4 Jul ’09, 11.36am CDT PST

  • Uncategorical Weirdness

    Fun Definition!

    Hypocritic Oath: The unspoken agreement that pundits and their followers will all make the same points repeatedly. When broken, the transgressor becomes a member “in name only.” It requires that similar tactics by the opposition be dismissed as a mere “echo chamber.”

  • Uncategorical Weirdness

    Fully Dilated Eye

    Creepy, no? Si! David and I both played around with iPhones in the bathroom mirror to photograph our eyes. Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Fully Dilated Eye By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 27 Jun ’09, 12.25pm CDT PST