My friend Steve passed this link along via the group he created on Facebook, Cook County – Know Your Judicial Candidates. We’re in early voting now and the election for these judges is February 2nd, and typically, most people vote at random if they vote at all. Which is pretty terrifying, when you consider that in some way, most of the justices on the Supreme Court started out by either being appointed or elected locally. So let’s not leave this important decision totally to chance, shall we? Because they decided that corporations have First Amendment rights, and so can that…
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Blue Moon By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 31 Dec ’09, 7.12pm CST PST
We’re all going to be flying in our underwear someday, thanks to one religious nutjob. Won’t it just be easier if we don Tyvek coveralls and gate-check our clothes and personal items, and maybe go commando while we’re at it? And why Detroit? Probably because of the large Muslim community there. (image from original Gizmodo post) Leaked: Homeland Security’s Post Underwear Bomb Airplane Rules – airplane security – Gizmodo U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Transportation Security Administration Aviation Security Directive Subject: Security Directive Number: SD 1544-09-06 Date: December 25, 2009 EXPIRATION: 0200Z on December 30, 2009 This Security Directive (SD)…
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Merry Christmas By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 24 Dec ’09, 7.31pm CST PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Icing Over By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 24 Dec ’09, 1.18pm CST PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Icy Rail By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 24 Dec ’09, 1.16pm CST PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Illuminati By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 19 Dec ’09, 6.00pm CST PST
I thought we were doing too much music for Christmas Eve; turns out we’re doing EVEN MORE. And I get to sing as if I’m a lead tenor (and have the melody) on "Carol of the Kings." Via: Flickr Title: Christmas Eve Musical Marathon By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 19 Dec ’09, 5.59pm CST PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: photo.jpg By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 13 Dec ’09, 10.26am CST PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: End of day By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 27 Nov ’09, 4.39pm CST PST