First real meal we’ve had since last night. Thanks, Outbacks in Piilani plaza. Via: Flickr Title: Comfort Food By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 27 Feb ’10, 9.43pm CST PST
While waiting for the all-clear at Kihei Lutheran, found this trove of inappropriate quote marks in their Community Outreach bulletin board. They mean well, and offer some kind of "Emergency Transportation", a "Choices" food program, and can do "Flyers" for special occasions. Thanks to them for their hospitality while we waited out the tsunami. They would have made a KILLING on a bake sale today, though! Via: Flickr Title: Inappropriate Quotation Marks "Emergency Transportation" By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 27 Feb ’10, 5.06pm CST PST
We’re at Kihei Lutheran with other tourists and residents. A ok waiting it out. #fb Water system shut down soon as a precaution. We won’t see anything up here, the waves that hit Tahiti were smaller than forecasted which is apparently good sign for events in next hour. Listening to local talk radio, some idiot woman was talking about looting in Haiti after their devastating eathquake. Stupid! Meanwhile, callers are talking about how their communities were mobilizing, stockpiling propane gas bottles, organizing folks to get elders and carless folks to higher ground. Locals now starting to arrive up here, they…
We moved to a nearby church lot after getting coffee and bagels. Now have power, water, restrooms, snacks. David now giving tech support on how to send texts to other tourists that don’t know how. Traffic light on Hwy 31. We heard that access to south Kihei Rd. will be restricted, cops want it cleared by 10am. Latest update we had is 7 ft waves expected at Kahului after 11am, monitoring radio and Pacific Tsunami Warning Center website. Friend is working at my office today (I’m a corporate travel agent) reports OGG operating for now, no delays. Airport here is…
Latest radio report: mayor of Maui County reports 7-8 ft wave expected at 1130am HST at Kahului. To me this may mean airport closed, it’s going to be a long day. NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.
Monitoring Pacific Tsunami warning system site, wave heights reported at Easter Island only a couple feet, expected to reach Hilo about 1105am HST, it’s currently 640am HST. Could have taken the time to pack everything and bring snacks, will be a long day. Cops are here at the school now, listening to Hawaii Public Radio for news – announcer very calm and helpful. For context, it was a Chilean eathquake in 1960 that caused a devastating tsunami to hit Hilo, with terrible loss of life. This is serious, because although the waves may only be 1-2 feet high in The…
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Fred’s Cheese Echiladas! By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 26 Feb ’10, 6.31pm CST PST
David didn’t notice the downsizing until he grabbed 2 different cans the other day. My own can of Aloha Maid was 11.5 oz./ 340ml of uncarbonated cane sugar goodness, instead of a full twelve ounces. Grrr. Via: Flickr Title: Only 90 Calories (and 7.5 ounces/222ml) per can! By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 26 Feb ’10, 4.20pm CST PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Tommy Bahamas Crispy Fish Sandwich By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 24 Feb ’10, 6.56pm CST PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Slippah in Situ By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 23 Feb ’10, 7.38pm CST PST