Gratis, pro bono communitatis! Or something Latiny like that. Via: Flickr Title: Michele Bachmann’s Command Of Latin Is Impressive By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 4 Sep ’10, 2.00pm CDT PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Day Out By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 13 Aug ’10, 10.05am CDT PST
So no need to water later, but will get to see if new drainage system is working. Note, need set up webcam?
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Dinner By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 21 Jul ’10, 6.08pm CDT PST
The result of a very fun girly excursion with my sister-in-law Gloria. I hardly dare type now, I feel so girly. Via: Flickr Title: Girly Toes! By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 3 Jul ’10, 8.20pm CDT PST
Pedicure virgin getting indulged at Spa Martinique in Schaumburg, yo! Via: Flickr Title: Green Feet By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 3 Jul ’10, 5.05pm CDT PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Happy Kitty Egg Face! By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 3 Jul ’10, 9.47am CDT PST
… because it’s important to know what the cat is doing all day. #FB Sony Makes Cats Tweet With Wearable Lifelogging Device — Tech-On!
My teammate makes teh awsum cheezcakes… Via: Flickr Title: I Can Haz Cheezcake? By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 9 Jun ’10, 10.53am CDT PST
Mebbe moar, teh moarnings after #w00tstock Via: Flickr Title: U Wil Need Dis Much Kawfee 2 Funkshun By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 7 Jun ’10, 7.05am CDT PST