We hardly knew ye, but we know all about the resume update you’ll have chiseled onto your tombstone. Link: Burris Looks Back On “Big Legacy” UPDATE: RATS! I can’t add just a link, because I didn’t want to replace my entry titles with the Tumblog entry title tag. I had to add the link and it’s title manually on this post.
More testing of the WooTumblog plugin, this time with the Twenty-Ten theme enabled. I’m not sure I want to use the Tumbler-like styling… just want to see if links and quotes work. UPDATE: Not working. I guess I need to figure out what the “simple tags” are that I need to add to my theme. Dammit. UPDATE II: Working! Did add the woo_tumblog content tags ONLY above the excerpt and content tags in my current theme. I first tinkered with the free Twenty-Ten theme, since there were instructions specific to that theme… but Amazing Grace was easier to edit once…
While I was tinkering under the hood of the blog working on the new plugin, David was tinkering under the hall bathroom sink working on the faucet. A crash, some swear words, and an ominous splattering sound foretells a trip to the hardware store in our future. But first, Chipotle for lunch, because we’ve learned that tinkering on an empty stomach foretells disaster.
Testing image blogging from iPhone with Express app… UPDATE: Yeah, still need to add those template tags. More later, much less boring.
The point of installing the WooTumblog plugin was to try out the Express blogging app for iPhones, which is specific to self-hosted blogs like Blogula Rasa. I need to be able to blog more easily than the official WordPress app seems to allow.
This is a test of the Article function of the plugin, which has rich text editing for adding images, links, and HTML so it’s already more functional than the QuickPress widget WordPress provides AND the advanced options include the ability to edit posting date, add categories, and something called “additional tumblogs”
We’re playing and singing this all month, today we bust it out with the descant, which begins "Seven Whole Days" which Scott Gunn’s blog takes its title from. Via: Flickr Title: King of Glory AKA Seven Whole Days By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 17 Oct ’10, 9.25am CDT PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Sleepy Lapcat By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 15 Oct ’10, 9.08pm CDT PST
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Little Cat, Littler Bag, Just Add Catnip By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 7 Oct ’10, 6.48pm CDT PST
I took a few pictures with the "big" camera that look like they came out pretty well, too. Via: Flickr Title: Pups In Church! By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 3 Oct ’10, 4.40pm CDT PST