• Dear Mom - Today

    It’s Donut Day Somewhere, And I’m Having A Moms’ Day Here

    According to the Facebooks, my sister Timmy is enjoying the first major snowfall of the season up in her pretty Idaho Panhandle valley, and my sister Tudy reports a bunch of heavy, wet snow in Salt Lake. Today must be Donut Day, as we say in the fambly: the day Mom would make homemade donuts to celebrate the first snow of the season. Going to Krispy Kreme would not cut it; Mom used to make a fairly dense deep-fried donut that was a solid dunker, not one of those greasy loops of yeasty puff that Krispy Kreme makes. I remember…

  • Dear Mom - Today

    I Have Become The Mean Neighbor Lady I Hated As A Child #fb

    Once upon a time in my childhood, my year revolved around the “kid holidays;” the beginning of “school’s out” for summer, Halloween, and Christmas. In my candy-addled mind at the time, Halloween loomed pretty large – not quite as big a deal as Christmas, but one in which kids were kind of autonomous. We had to work for the biggest candy haul possible, whether we or our parents made our own costumes or had store bought ones. The year I was old enough to go out trick-or-treating on my own was probably when I was… 7 or 8, although I…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Funnies - Today

    How to Lose an Hour of your Life: Cat Bounce

    Tune in your favorite trippy space music or techno-trance Internet radio station Go to this link. WHAT time is it? I was in a hell of a mood before I found Zen in Cat Bounce. Be sure to make it rain now and then for extra-soothing cat bounciness. Cat Bounce is a website where you can make cats bounce. It’s totally mesmerizing and I’m pretty sure it’s an advanced hypnosis technology that was put in place by the cat army to finally have complete control. via Cat Bounce Has Been Sent From the Future to Ensure Total Cat Domination

  • Home Improvement - Today

    Great Roadside Assistance By AAA: Why Isn’t Everybody A Member?

    Late last night, I was on my way home after choir practice, picking my way along in a driving rainstorm. On impulse I stopped at the Burger King on the way for a bite, and pulled into a spot (conveniently under a streetlight) to eat. I had the radio going, the lights were probably still on, and I had forgotten that the battery had been giving signs of trouble lately. Sure enough, when I went to start up, the starter motor just made that clacky EH-EH-EH noise. Great – how cliche: woman alone with a dead battery in a terrible…

  • Dear Mom - Today

    My Birthday, Let Me Show You It Again and Again

    We went down to visit with my husband David’s parents tonight, for dinner and to celebrate my birthday one last time. My birthday was actually last Saturday, which was pretty fun as it was the last full day of vacation. We spent the evening with my college friend Arne, catching up and drinking delicious beers at Coopersmith’s Ale House in Ft Collins. Then on Sep 27, I celebrated my second birthday, because the first year we were dating, David thought that was my birthday. Also, my father-in-law got mixed up and thought it was the 26th, so they called a…

  • Politics, Schmolitics - Today

    Those Crazy People At Intersections Wearing “Impeach Obama” Signboards Probably LaRouchies

    I saw those weirdo “Impeach Obama” guys at the corner of Golf and Roselle again on my way home. Took a picture of the guy (sorry for bad quality, blown up from mirror shot) talking and laughing with the guy behind me.  The driver actually gave money to this… Bozo. They must travel around the area with their little signs and clipboards – here’s a story from a while back: The middle-aged man hoisting an “Impeach Obama” poster appeared to be intelligent, level-headed, and sincere. But the fliers he handed out at the intersection of US 30 and Mississippi Street…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Connections - Today

    We Has A Guest Room Again!

    A good friend from college is currently taking an epic early-retirement trip – she bought an Amtrak USA Rail Pass and she’s been making her way across country from California, visiting friends. She was at the taping of Prairie Home Companion in Minneapolis, and then she hopped on the Empire Builder to get to Chicago. She’ll come out our way tonight on a Metra commuter train, and will stay for a few days. Meanwhile, we now have a guest room again – after we finished the final floor project, we moved out of the guest room back into the master…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga - Today

    Is Too Much, I Will Sum Up

    I’m still alive, and hoping to break free of my Google Reader addiction in order to fall back into the more creative addictive habit of actually blogging something about what’s going on in my life or in my head. Today is Caturday. There, I’ve blogged something. And I’ve been wrasslin with WordPress, updating all three of my sites/blogs. Er, well, I have a fourth blog but it’s quite inactive at the moment, it’s Riley the Cat’s blog. I’ll get around to that later – he’s much too lazy to do his own blogging and I’m too lazy to do my…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Today

    The Banality of Terror

    So this is the guy? He really does look like a Wall Street trader. And though multiple arrests were made, CNN still used the phrase “lone wolf” in their story. Arrests made in Pakistan in Times Square probe. [Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]