• The Never-Ending Bloga

    HOWTO: set up Gmail to us iPhone for Blogspot

    My iPhone Blog: iPhone + Blogger = Visual Twitter Okay, I do something like this already using Flickr as my go-between, but I have a little-used Blogger blog called Razzberry Vinaigrette that is mostly a photo blog. To use this method, I’d have to use a different Gmail account than my current one, as that’s set up with a different IMAP server (our own at Chez Gique). But I’m interested in how blogging via iPhone exclusively might work with a Blogger account. Again, this is because of the anti-Internets thingy during my weekdays…oopsie.

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    The Once and Future Linear

    Right, as ***Dave noted, ecto has split into separate Mac and Windows entities, and he and I are following the path of Windows… and an upgrade to a later version was called for. I hope this solves the problemo with the extra spaces being added to the DIVs that rock my drop-shadowed world. So as a test post, this is pretty boring. Let’s see some pictures then.   This is the plaque from the Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge. I forgot to add it to yesterday’s post. All of my HTML tags are there, after following the instructions to uninstall ecto and…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Aaaaaargh ecto and drop shadows

    Okay, I need to figure out why ecto messed up on the CSS drop shadows. And I’m working on a revamp of the new template, too. I’d use the native WP entry but it’s wonky on age uploads…something that requires me to clear cache multiple times or restart Firefox for the slick, Flash based interface to work. When it works it’s great. Working on custom banners background color and coordinated fonts and colors. More later.

  • Geek Out! - The Never-Ending Bloga - Today

    Just because I can

    I changed themes again, this time rather painlessly, so that I could add a Google Reader share widget to the left column. I’ll be customizing the various header images over the long weekend and perhaps softening the color scheme and changing font. This theme is called Cutline and seems to work okay right out of the box. I have to add in my custom style stuff, but the photos page looks okay as – is. I’ll be uploading a lot of pictures to Flickr from the East Coast trip and some backlog too. But first we have to catch a…

  • Music - The Never-Ending Bloga

    The McDades at the Abbey Pub: 22APR08

    Wow. I still can’t believe that I had a chance to see the McDades at the Abbey Pub, a well known Chicago institution. And that my husband David and I got to see them gratis, a fact that makes me absurdly grateful and humble. Hell, this blogging gig is pretty cool if people contact you out of the blue and give you free stuff and invite you to all the best parties. Okay, enough about that, I’m a mere amoeba on the Great Evolutionary Chain of Blogging Being. The thing I REALLY can’t believe that there were only about 10…

  • SABRE2th Tigress: Book 'em, Dano. - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Airline Cancellation Blues

    American: Normal schedule days away — chicagotribune.com The number of canceled American flights stands at more than 3,000 since late Tuesday, wreaking havoc at the airline’s hubs in Chicago and Dallas and eroding its profits at a time the industry is hurting because of high oil prices and economic worries. Chief Executive Gerard Arpey said the costs to the airline will run into the “tens of millions of dollars” from the disruption of service, but he said American can withstand the loss. The American terminal at O’Hare International Airport was calmer Thursday, despite 124 cancellations, as passengers had more notice…

  • Geek Out! - The Never-Ending Bloga

    New and Improved, or New and Unproved?

    Because I had a positive experience playing around with WordPress 2.5 on Rileycat’s blog, I asked David to go ahead and upgrade me here. Some of the new features replace various plugins I was using before (Image Manager, and ST Visualize Advanced Features ). I’ll be using a new plugin – my husband David wrote a simple one for converting WP tags to Technorati tags, so I’m going to give that one a whirl. Whee! I will say that I like one feature; the edit window has a visual editor tab and an HTML editor tab, and previously, it would…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Fixing CSS and Tweaking The Talian Theme

    Okay, it’s Saturday, it’s too cold to go outside for more than a brief, well-layered walk, and so therefore I’ve been making some modifications to the CSS file for the blog. There were a couple of issues that were bothering me with this otherwise excellent theme: Virtual Assistance For Business : Free Premium WordPress blog theme “Talian” released. An elegant theme that is very much close to my heart. The theme designer hasn’t responded to comments requesting fixes or information for several months. It’s likely that he’s not that interested in supporting his free themes, just in designing them. Which…