Here’s how David fixed the problem I was having posting to WordPress from any source other than my normal edit window. See if you can make any sense of it; all I know is I can post to my blog from my iPhone, Flickr, Scribefire (I’m still using 3.1.3), and probably ecto/Linear again. Geeky Ramblings » Blog Archive » Temporary LIBXML2 solution The problem has been narrowed down to a bug in LIBXML2 that causes leading angle brackets “<†to be stripped off of posts when processed through the XMLRPC support in PHP. I logged the issue in the WordPress…
And this is a test of the WordPress app for iPhone. After setting up the improved Light Saber app, which allows custom characters and visialisations. I decided I was a Lemurian named Gi-Ginn 3-Ak’bal.
This is a test of the Non-urgency Moblogization System. No cats have been mobilized, there is no cause for alarm. Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Test Cattern By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 26 Nov ’08, 8.44pm CST PST UPDATE: Posting moblogged photos via Flickr works, WordPress is no longer stripping the HTML brackets! My husband David will post a more technical explanation, but basically he set up the blog on a virtual server, and installed an older version of Linux running in VMWare on that server. It’s complicated. Let’s just say I can now post to the blog…
Naow that we can has a competent, intelligent preznit naow who is also spiritual, I’m reminded of a rarely-heard Eucharistic prayer from the Book of Common Prayer. I’m going to bug my priest, Steve, to use this one more often (he tends to either stray far from the BCP into other national church’s prayer books, or stick to the bog-standard “Eucharistic Prayer A.” When I lived in Seattle and was a member of Trinity Episcopal, we prayed “Eucharistic Prayer C” during much of the later summer and fall, when a more ecological view was appropriate to the season. One of…
What’s New in ScribeFire 3.1.3? – ScribeFire: Fire up your blogging The following changes were made to ScribeFire between versions 3.1.2 and 3.1.3: Bug Fixes Fixed bug causing some users to see “Could not set up API Object for Blog type” error Yeah, this post using Scribefire is probably still going to get the angle brackets stripped by WordPress: this started happening with the latest version of WP and no fix in sight yet. It’s a PHP bug, and not easily fixable according to David. UPDATE: Yep, it failed. I don’t know if WP 2.7 will fix this or not.
What’s New in ScribeFire 3.0.1? – ScribeFire: Fire up your blogging The following changes were made to ScribeFire between versions 3.0 and 3.0.1. Bug Fixes * Added detection of disabled XML-RPC in WordPress. This should fix many of the “Invalid username/password” errors users have been experiencing. * Fixed bug that causing ScribeFire to ignore line-breaks in preview mode * Fixed bug when managing ads in tab or window mode * Fixed bug with editor background in certain themes * Fixed bug with incorrect earnings amount * Updated ScribeFire to show a “What’s New in this version” page after upgrading instead…
It’s about time. There still doesn’t seem to be paste, quick links or mimipost support, but can do on direct moblogging.
I’ve discovered a useful Firefox plugin for blogging: ScribeFire. I’m currently checking to see what it can do, but so far about the only thing is that I can’t seem to find a way to do a mini-post. However, it’s got an option for bookmarking with Technorati Tags to More playing is warranted. The slick thing is that it’s a graphical overlay that sits at the bottom of whatever webpage you invoke it on… and you can go from page to page to page, with the edit window open and useable. Rather handy for those kinds of posts where…
Just fooling with the time/date stamp. UPDATE: Hmm! I just figured something out. I thought I couldn’t update drafts started via WordPress in Linear (formerly ecto) because WP’s time/date stamps place drafts infinitely deep in my archives, lost in time and space. However, if I at least edit the Publish On date (I picked a time a minute before the creation time) the post shows up on Linear’s list of “published” posts, although it’s still a draft as far as WordPress is concerned. Which is more like the way it used to behave before WP2.5, when the same function was called…
Recently, Dave over at DDtB noted that Google Reader’s shared items can scroll off one’s web page widget pretty quickly, but that it set up a fairly nice unordered list if you copied it off the widget for further commentary on your blog. And so it does, especially if you choose Paste Special > Remove MS Word formatting, which also removes Mozilla- and Google-added style elements. This is handy if you have a number of links grouped together and want to grab them for a quick omnibus post. Not so easy if they’ve already scrolled off the widget and are on either your…