• The Never-Ending Bloga - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Moar Boaring Testing

    More testing of the WooTumblog plugin, this time with the Twenty-Ten theme enabled. I’m not sure I want to use the Tumbler-like styling… just want to see if links and quotes work. UPDATE: Not working. I guess I need to figure out what the “simple tags” are that I need to add to my theme. Dammit. UPDATE II: Working! Did add the woo_tumblog content tags ONLY above the excerpt and content tags in my current theme. I first tinkered with the free Twenty-Ten theme, since there were instructions specific to that theme… but Amazing Grace was easier to edit once…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Matrix Kitties RAWR

    I has a FEERCE on the Internets Toobz! I’m testing a new plugin for self-hosted WordPress blogs called “WooTumblog” that should function with my iPhone once I install the app from the iTunes store. Since the app costs $4.99, I’m testing the desktop version of the plugin. David has created a child theme of my current Amazing Grace theme and backed it up… here goes. UPDATE: Note, the image upload did not display, I had to add it – although it WAS shown as a gallery image for the post, so I didn’t have to re-upload it.

  • Blogs Wot I Read - The Never-Ending Bloga

    WooTumblog Tinkering

    Testing an image URL now…. thinking I may be able to wrap images with the DIV classes to give borders/drop shadows… UPDATE: Also didn’t work; had to add image URL so I went ahead and added the link to the origin page and the drop shadow DIVs. David will have to take a look at what’s going on with images. UPDATE: Working, but need to figure out how to apply at least minimal CSS with border and white margin to images.

  • The Never-Ending Bloga - Today

    Is Too Much, I Will Sum Up

    I’m still alive, and hoping to break free of my Google Reader addiction in order to fall back into the more creative addictive habit of actually blogging something about what’s going on in my life or in my head. Today is Caturday. There, I’ve blogged something. And I’ve been wrasslin with WordPress, updating all three of my sites/blogs. Er, well, I have a fourth blog but it’s quite inactive at the moment, it’s Riley the Cat’s blog. I’ll get around to that later – he’s much too lazy to do his own blogging and I’m too lazy to do my…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    TinyMCE Advanced Plugin

    Check out all the lovely buttons I now have using a WordPress plugin called TinyMCE Advanced! Unfortunately, the option to “import local styles” via that nice drop-down menu is broken and causes part of the header graphic to replace the editing text box: not great behavior in a text editor, no? So to easily put in my beloved drop shadows, I still have to use the old Quicktag plug in to put my custom CSS code in that adds the shadow effect.

  • Home Improvement - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Is This Thing On??

    Yes, I still have a blog, I’m still a blogger, I’m just… hey, yeah, I have a life but never seem to take the time to frickin’ blog it already! #fb I’ve been really getting into learning all the stuff I have to know in order to follow the crazy dream of making virtual “stuff” to “sell” on Second Life. And of course, I’ve been following the national political news, the international news, and the incredible tragedy that is Haiti. I’ll try to be better about keeping up with my doings, boring and dull as they are. 😉 I was…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga


    … trying a plugin called Postalicious to pull in del.icio.us links in a better way – which can also pull in links from other services, including my Google Reader feed. However,  it doesn’t seem to share from more than one of them at a time – it’s one or the other. But it’s formatted better than the old “experimental” tool that del.icio.us provided, which yielded the funny-looking blogposts with lower-case titles. Still needs some tinkering to improve the formatting and layout,  but this will work for now. Might be fun to try one of the newer plugins that pulls in…

  • Books - Clan: McTiVo - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Books | The Man With The Golden Torc

    The Man with the Golden Torc (Secret Histories, Book 1), by Simon Green I’m about midway through this book, and although I’m enjoying it, it’s an exhausting read. I got on to it because of a review I ran across on NPR.org recently, which compared it favorably to the The Dresden Files) books by Jim Butcher. Both series feature male protagonists who walk between the mundane and magic worlds, but Green’s anti-ish hero, Eddie Drood, is British, somewhat of a Bond fan, and fully human and not really a magic user, although he has magic golden armor. Butcher’s guy, Harry…

  • Geek Out! - Second Life - The Never-Ending Bloga


    UPDATE II: Today’s date is April 7, 2012. About a week ago, the graphics card fan on my computer started making these eeerie WOOOooooooOOOOooooo noises, like a cartoon ghost. And then a few days ago, it just stopped running; the fan was stuck and my computer would run for a few minutes before the screen would go black. So, farewell good and faithful friend. Now I need to figure out what to do next. My husband David removed the card and reconnected the inboard graphic card back into play. I can do everything I need to do with the exception…

  • Hot Off The Presses - The Never-Ending Bloga

    YouTube Better Watch Out

    …the new iPhones are coming with a new video and “send to YouTube” capability. And yes, David signed us both up for when they come out, as we’ve got 1st Gen phones, and we get a better deal because we didn’t upgrade before now. So I’m expecting somebody will be working on a WordPress plugin for iPhone-to-blog video, or maybe there’s already a way to get stuff from YouTube to post on WP blogs. The New iPhone Breaks Ground — and News – Media Decoder Blog – NYTimes.com In its introduction of the next-generation iPhone on Monday, Apple demonstrated a…