• The Never-Ending Bloga

    Blog Housekeeping

    Maybe it’s time I dump the rather annoying and complex-to-set-up plugin I’ve been using to push content and posts to Facebook (and Twitter). The plugin’s own developer said in a support forum post 7 months ago that it should probably be deactivated and uninstalled. I went looking for answers because I’ve recently been getting a ton of “random Facebook comment spam” that I suspect is being pulled in to my blog via false positives from Facebook’s own parser. Tricky, as if the plugin he recommends doesn’t work for fan pages, I’m screwed. I administer several different accounts (including a church…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga - Today

    Upgrades in Progress

    Not much accomplished today other than upgrading both the iPhone and iPad to the latest version of iOS, and also replacing a WordPress plugin with its replacement. Everything seems to be working – the plugin pulls in items I post at Google+ and is highly configurable. I may tinker with getting it to create items as asides. We ate lunch out at a neighborhood place, David and I, and then I had a nap. Pretty much a perfect day off. There are more upgrades contemplated, but tomorrow’s plan is pretty fuzzy.

  • Mini-Posts - The Never-Ending Bloga - Uncategorical Weirdness

    WordPress › Social Media 2 WordPress for Google « WordPress Plugins

    So far I’m only using Daniel Treadwell’s Google+ plugin, as I already have some Twitter and Facebook plugins working. If those are no longer working in the future, I can switch over. Social Media 2 WordPress for Google allows you to continuously import posts (including photos, albums, videos and links) from Google to your blog. Source: WordPress › Social Media 2 WordPress for Google « WordPress Plugins

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Why I Stopped Blogging, And Why I Restarted Blogging

    Stuff got in the way. Work got in the way. Tech got in the way. But even so, I was often thinking about what I’d write if I sat down at my desktop machine. I’d get too frustrated trying to blog from the iPhone or iPad (which is now a Mini), and the WordPress app was kind of in the way, too. The funny thing is, when I want to know when something happened, or a major life event, I check my blog. And I go back and grab recipes, links, stuff. It’s my memory repository, I suppose, so it…

  • Photos and Shutterblogs - The Never-Ending Bloga - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Am I The Last Person To Discover Google+’s Enhanced Photos Feature? Now with MOAR LOLPeacocks

    I was cleaning out mail from some of my Gmail.com accounts and realized that even deleting almost all of the unwanted mail still left 11G of stuff stored in there. At some point, I must have enabled the photo backup feature and WHOA. It had EVERYTHING on my iPhone, everything in Picasa. If you take a lot of pictures of a Christmas tree from the same angle, you get an animated, twinkly Tannenbaum (with people dancing around it if they’re decorating). It’s actually kind of a pretty effect – Christmas Eve 2013, singing Silent Night with guitar accompaniment, you get…

  • Music - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Listening, listening, listening: will probably get things set up perfectly just before Last.fm quits working.

    It’s not easy getting Last.fm to work on an iPad… there’s only partial functionality (I suspect that due to Apple’s well known aversion to all things Flash, and also to their reluctance to grant control of the iTunes player to third parties). Now that I’m working from home, music is becoming more and more a necessity. I couldn’t listen before in the office environment, which could have helped me tune out distractions. Now I can listen, and it helps me stay focused while working on records in “waiting for calls” mode. I have a normal clock radio in my home…