• The Never-Ending Bloga

    We Apologize for the Inconvenience

    The links to books and music on Amazon are not working right – they’re floating the book/CD cover image with the title and price, but the link to their page on Amazon is busted. It’ll be fixed tonight after work. Echh. Work. Edited to add: Holy crap, I fixed them. Today’s date: May 29th

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    !pleH !pleH

    I am such a newbie. It’s taken me four hours of fussing just to change a few colors around… and now that it’s done, it bears a strong resemblance to one of the color schemes I use on my work computer. Back when I was just an AOL nerd and I’d be cracking on typing and cutting and pasting, I’d occasionally get this humorous error when Windows 3.0 and AOL… um… 3? 4? didn’t play well. I’d copy text, get set to paste in an IM, and nothing would appear in the target window except a forlorn little “pleH.” I…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    All Things Blog

    Playing Now: Kodo: Mondo Head Oh, this is very cool – Jemima’s blog demos, including Moveable Color OOoooh. Pretty colors. I’m hoping to get some sort of 3 column action going with a sideblog on the left…with the bookshelf/CD collection (maybe with different categories for same). ::pondering:: Another Cool Discovery (Old News for the Old Hands, I Know) What’s this Lorem Ipsum stuff? I… I love this. This is way cooler than I could ever have imagined.

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    A Woman’s Speech Should Exceed Her Grasp, or What’s a Blog For?

    I’m still in the “clueless newbie” stage of development in doing this blogging thing. I have to ask DH to fix up/install all the technical stuff, and then I tinker around with templates and things and have to yell for help if I can’t revert to something that works. I’ve been gathering links to tutorials and places where people gather to discuss blogging, the blogoverse, blogomania, sideblogs, blogrolls, and other things blog. I’m still learning definitions and trying to figure out how not to do it, in addition to how to do it. Far off in the hazy blue distance,…

  • All Things Interesting - Movies - SciFi/Fantasy - The Never-Ending Bloga

    First Things Last

    Everybody has to start somewhere. The fact that the beginning will become the end makes it difficult to start; not sure why. But I need to make sense of things by getting them out there, and "out there" they shall be in more ways than three. Today's top story: Saddam to appear on the US version of "What Not To Wear." Before and after photos abound, and a disoriented and confused Saddam is told "Never wear a spider hole with that mustache – to balance out the bushiness, hie your heiney into a fully equipped underground missile silo." Tears ensue…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Good Food Exists In Britain

    Sept. 6th – Arrival Day. We’ve not done so badly at the end of our first day. With the help of friendly locals, we’re actually found a nice pub, eaten too good meals, and dealt with the confusing, crowded maze of corridors and transportation options on arrival at Heathrow and then Paddington Station. The hotel is a bit of a let-down — the rooms are tiny, but they’ve been updated to a pretty high standard. Breakfast tomorrow will be the test. At least the place has a lift (elevator!).