Okay, I’m starting to collect the essential accessories now – the Weather Pixie and Blogchalk: And here is what my Blogchalk says about me:United States, Illinois, Hoffman Estates, Burbclavia, English, Spanish, ginny, Female, 46-50. 🙂 And now I really, really have to go to bed.
Hell, no I’m not done futzing with the colors…
Oh, forget the tropical colors. They’re too wimpy. Here I am back at the webpaint store, but the redecorating is almost done. VACCC — VisiBone Anglo-Centric Color Code Oh, I don’t know, too many choices, maybe I’d better keep shopping. There’s still a bit more tinkering with fonts. I love the look of Garamond font for the posts, but need a more readable italic. It is to sigh. Guess I’ll trudge back to the default standbys – Georgia and Palatino. I managed somehow to install Blogroll on my own but it looks crappy. Hey, guys, it’s not as simple as…
…rogue web designers did not bust in and redecorate the place, though I wish they had. It seems that we’re not done with the incessant color switching here, but I have the makings of a cunning plan, my lord. I’m going to go over towards the Mac side, by way of island style. I think. And now I’m looking at color swatches, and it’s almost as bad as standing at the paint counter at Home Despot again.
Isn’t this beautiful? Hunkabutta: Tokyo photos, a stranger’s life in pictures I ran across it when browsing mediatinker’s helpful and attractive site. And also in the same search came across it again via the great Tokyo Shoes blog tutorial. I’m impressed by the design aesthetics of the pages and blown away by the gorgeous images. I spent two weeks in Japan, and no picture of mine comes close to these in quality. Man, I wish I could take pictures like these. And I hope I remembered right that “Utsukushii” means “beautiful.”
Well, I went to the MT movabletype.org : Support Forum rather a lot, reeely. And I went to a number of helpful webpages, like ***Dave and so on. And I got the most annoying thing fixed, which was the top line of the border enclosing the blog entries disappearing. But the solid line that appears under the topmost date always disappears on first loading, and reappears after a scrolling refresh. And you know what? That’s… okay. Just let it go, Louie, let it go. I added line-height yadda yadda according to Project Whiteguy, I went into the comments listing template…
There are just a few niggling little nits to pick (other than the horrible design) of this page, and the main one is that stupid bug that makes text disappear and reappear in IE6. I’ve tried various fixes noted at the MT forum and the Holly Hack is installed, along with a sprinkling of other suggested fixes. And the line under the topmost date still disappears when refreshed, then reappears if the page is scrolled down and back up. ARRRGGGGgggghhhhhh.
movabletype.org : Support Forum Ugh. Comments background still messed up. Color changes screw up text, which appears after scrolling down then back up. Ugh. I am such a newbie.
Pepys’ Diary My God. Not long ago, I read the biography of Samuel Pepys by Claire Tomalin – mentioned it in an earlier entry, in fact. I’d been thinking recently that if Pepys were alive today, he’d be a celebrity blogger. Turns out he already is. This project is incredible. Though I do wonder if he left all the naughty bits in – must read that later. If so, this isn’t a blog for reading at work. And duly noted – won’t add trackbacks, as they seem to cause problems for the site creator, Phil Gyford. My own blog gets…
Okay, that’s day TWO of incessant color switching. I’m sorry. I really couldn’t be sorrier. If you were attempting to read this mess today or yesterday, it was, well, a mess. But it’s not as chaotically messy and colorific now, and it IS back to the same incoherent and inconsequential level of writing as before. I await your golf claps. We all have to start somewhere. Somewhere in the crapper.