I read this quite a while back and went looking for it: CSS Drop Shadows: A List Apart Add to this thought in the back of my mind: the CSS trick I learned for wrapping text and left-justifying text from “Learning Moveable Type” Could they be combined? Also, that’s a sweet trick for setting off a quote block… it could be centered rather than left-justified and Bob’s yer uncle. Must play with that later.
One last thing – it appears the Salty Vicar has gotten himself a TypePad setup, with (oh yay!) XML or RSS or whatever it’s called. So time to update my settings.
There’s a new entry up, at last, under the September archive for the England travel journal. I forgot to set the temporal displacement/flux capacitor thingy but the entry is now in it’s rightful place and time on September 20th. It covers just one day and night spent in Carlisle. The next entry after that will be the one with all the pictures of walking in Yorkshire, and that means (shudder) lots of Photoshop Elements. Fortunately, not too much fixing, futzing, and cropping, just adding frames. I’m regretting (now) using the rather tacky “photocorners” provided with Elements, and will stick to…
Air America Radio’s website launch is supposedly this week. The schedule and roster have been posted, but there’s not much else at this site yet (and indeed, they still need a better domain). It’s a very weird thing, but I’ve had over a hundred hits on variations on Al Franken’s name this month, up from a big whoppin’ 6 last month. On the other hand, I’ve had 18 hits on what can only be described as fanfic from the fevered mind of Julia Child, if she were a hobbit: “orlando bloom and alton brown.” Whoever it is, they’re probably looking…
Okay, why do I as a non-technogeek (I am merely the moll or sheila to a technogeek) think this is way damn cool: Testing Begins & More Info about 3.0 03.16.2004 We’re taking our first steps towards the release of Movable Type 3.0. The pre-beta version has just finished its initial two rounds of alpha testing and we’re now opening the testing to a larger audience (we’ve picked 300 random addresses from those who applied and will be adding more as time progresses). The testing that we’re conducting will not only help ensure a stable final release but will also…
Okay, so Accordion Guy made me do it. BlogPolling Voting System seems simple enough, but for a doofus like me? Actually, I’ve been asking David to set up polls for me, but it was pretty far down on the list of to-dos around here recently. So this may be the way for me to go, since I got good results from using both Blogrolling and Bloglines. Yep – that’s the Amerkin way – outsource it! Let’s give it a shot… Well, I’ve got the right style elements working, but the radio buttons don’t show up once they’ve been clicked. Hmm.…
Learning Movable Type: Displaying Categories is just the thing I’ve been looking for: how to get the category to show up in the body of each post. In the later comment, I’m pretty certain the issue with unwanted underlining is a CSS issue, will check on that, too. Learning Moveable Type helped me out before when I added the comments to the sidebar, and keeps giving me ideas of new things to try. It’s a lot easier figuring out how to do something when it’s presented so clearly and sans technomagery.
Good God, I’m just another trendfollower. However, I have a dandy excuse: my affinity for the color orange is congenital. And besides, it goes with my Weatherpixie (“Miss Tangerine”) and all those XML/RSS validation doodads. So there. Nyaaah.
So, more tinkering with the stylesheet and main index, but nothing earth-shattering. After discovering the joys of RSS feeds and reading in an aggregator, I discovered the heartbreak of excerpts-only feeds. So anything that offers a full-text feed is now linked via the aggregator, and anything that offers excerpts-only is linked via Blogrolling. Also, some blogs are nicer to read directly rather than via…(hark at her!) Oy, I’m such a newbie still. COMIX! Oh, joy!! Mutts is online. Yesh. For now I’ll be reading via email updates, but an RSS feed may soon via available via Tapestry.
In the past couple of days, I started fooling around with Bloglines – not to replace Blogrolling for keeping track of various sites I visit, but to make it easier to read more sites, more quickly. I felt a bit of concern over the fact that I basically had two identical blogrolls – and wondered if I’d commit a horrible blogging fox paws by dumping the duplicate entries in the Blogrolling list without first making the Bloglines one public. With me so far? Show of mice? Anyway, there were a few daily-read blogs that weren’t available for some reason via…