I’m going to revive my boring blog YET AGAIN, because I have thoughts to think before they go thunk and disappear. Topics in no particular order to include: Current events Politics Cats Bikes, riding and watching others ride Sewing and quilting Entertainment I find entertaining Sourdough bread; or how to revive neglected starter Travel – my own and the biz Whatever rando thing strikes me.
I’ve spent the last 2 years re-learning how to sew. First as a necessity, to make masks for family and friends, then as a creative outlet while furloughed from my travel job. After returning to work last year, I started getting interested in quilting. The Spruce Crafts site was extremely comprehensive – every time I looked for info on how to do something, their clear, written tutorials showed up. I looked at this one for a recent project, and although I went with a different method from a video by Jordan Fabrics, this is an excellent starting point and reference.…
I had whitelisted CNN.com on the Adblock Plus app, but the videos and their unskippable, long pre roll ads refused to play. Had to watch on the CNN app all year, but sometimes it was damned inconvenient. Tonight, I disabled Adblock Plus, played a video (with ad) on CNN.com, re-enabled ABP, made sure CNN.com was on the whitelist, and now the videos and damn ads play like they should. It just needed an app restart, I guess. Add a website to the whitelist | Adblock Plus Add websites that you trust and want to support to your Adblock Plus whitelist.…
I have been trying to remove 2 “unread emails” from my Gmail account (on iPhone and iPad) for DAYS. I had looked at many webpages and Quora and Reddit posts. It’s easy to overlook some messages in Gmail. In this article, we provide instructions on how to make Gmail show only unread emails, how to search for unread emails only, and how to add parameters to those searches. Source: How to Find All Unread Messages in Gmail It wasn’t ANY of the many good suggestions that worked in the linked article or the forum posts. I simply logged into mail.google.com…
In March 2020, David was in the middle of a job search - his choice - and I had no idea what was coming as far as my own job. I was furloughed from my Brand Name corporate travel management company in mid-April, 2020, and thanks to the unexpected but welcome act of Congress, I was on a pretty generous unemployment scheme. My health care was continued by my company, too.
Life has been on hold around here for three months, and just got confirmation that it’s likely to stay that way into the fall. What next? My chosen career in corporate travel isn’t coming back anytime soon, and my current hobbies (sewing and knocking around virtual worlds) don’t really fill the bill. School? Learn a new skill? Take up where I left off? Use my chameleonic superpower for good, not napping on the couch undetected? I shall make inquiries.
There’s a lot to do this year; the house needs work, my health needs work, and the entire country is afflicted with a man-baby sized cyst that needs to be electorally excised.
It seems like forever since I wrote anything longer than a tweet. Especially since @Twitter went from 140 to 280 characters. And I’ve stayed off of Facebook mostly to avoid seeing propaganda ads (sorry friends and family). And even “forever” is longer now in the Drumpf era. Today on Twitter, I joked that if dog years are 7 human years, 1 newscycle day is 24 years, and one newscycle year is 14,600 human years. How long ago was it that we thought “One Scaramucchi = 11 days” was funny? I haven’t even touched my desktop computer in months (ie., several…
A horrible thing happened Friday night. My iPhone went for an unexpected swim. There was a scream of horror, right after the most awful kerplunk sound ever. I fished it out and turned it off as quickly as I could, but I wasn’t quick enough. David had pounded upstairs to see what was the matter, and quickly found a container of rice we still had – we stopped cooking rice for dinner quite a while ago. Into the rice it went and I waited, phoneless, for 2 days. I blame a phone commercial that shows someone dropping their phone in…
Here’s one of my church chums giving the sermon today, in a badass ensemble consisting of a prayer stole or preaching stole and a fine Cubs T-shirt. We’re still in Summer Casual mode at Holy Moly. When I’m under pressure and feeling overwhelmed, I SITS around a lot watching TV, goofing around on Twitter, and sending texts and postcards to random Congresspeople and government departement secretaries. Yesterday, I was up against a hard time limit and solved a technical issue with one of my website/blogs that’s been frustrating me for months. So, finally, I went back to church at Holy…