mezzoblue § css crib sheet MMMmm! Linky goodness saved for later. I really ought to think about adding a sideblog just for links, since adding short ones to the blog for later perusal at home chops the main “flow” up so. Oh, good. Another half-assed project idea!
blockquote { font-family: verdana, georgia, arial, color: #2F4F4F; font-size:small; font-style:italic; background: #F5F5F5; padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #999; } code { font-size:14px; font-weight:normal; color:#000; background: #F5F5F5; text-align:left; } .floatimgleft { float:left; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:2px; border:3px #a9a9a9; } So… do I have the “code” macro working right now? And here is the stylesheet CSS if I do.
Since working with a cat image seems to be traditional, I thought I’d use one of Stuey for this next exercise in CSS madness. I was trying to get this to work the other night, adapting one of several methods for adding drop shadows in CSS, but doing it “the MT way.” I may have to concede that such things will have to be done “as is” and learn not to rely on the MT “show me the HTML feature.” Now I’m trying it “by the book” as described at Alistapart.rather than applying the CSS class with class="floatimgleft" as an…
Perhaps I should rename this category “Mindbendingly Boring Technical Details of a Blog/MT/HTML/CSS N00b.” Honest, I’ve been on the Internet since 1994. Granted, much of that time was on AOL. And I freely admit that my technical expertise consists of my husband and the phrase “Honey? How do I…”
tag || HTMLSource ]” href=””>Advanced CSS | custom stylesheet classes, ids, conditional style, the @import method and the tag || HTMLSource ] Ah, hmm. This tells me I was doing something wrong with this next CSS for Dummies trick last night. code{ font-size:14px; font-weight:normal; color:#000; background: #FFF; text-align:center; } ETA: Bugger it, this still isn’t working right. However, it’s better. I removed the border style attribute, which was messed up by MT’s insistence on adding break tags. There may still be a simple solution to getting it to display in a box. This makes day 2 or 3 that I’ve…
blockquote { font-family: verdana, georgia, arial, serif; color: #2F4F4F; font-size:small; font-style:italic; background: #F5F5F5; padding: 20px; border: 1px solid; } This is the CSS for it – note, it’s not .blockquote but just “blockquote” in the style sheet, because I’m using an HTML tag as the name of the style element.
Okay, so I figure out how to get blockquotes styled with David’s help. Now I need to figure out how to get a favicon working. But that’s for tomorrow. This is a test post, because something else isn’t working (what now?)
Had to go looking to find this: MINNEAPOLIS, MN: In a turn of events the 30-year-old characterized as “horrifying,” Kevin Widmar announced Tuesday that his mother Lillian has discovered his weblog. “Apparently, Mom typed [Widmar’s employer] Dean Healthcare into Google along with my name and, lo and behold, PlanetKevin popped up,” Widmar said. “I’m so fucked.” In an e-mail sent to Widmar Monday, Lillian reported in large purple letters that she was “VERY EXCITED :)!!!” to find his “computer diary,” but was perplexed that he hadn’t mentioned it to her. Upon receipt of the e-mail, Widmar mentally raced through the…
I’m home sick today – Chicago’s spring allergy season is in full swing, and the coughing fits (asthma, yadda yadda) had me up all night. I felt like I couldn’t take a deep breath at work without coughing yesterday. Bleh. Lousy air quality in that building, always has been. So I’m fooling around with blockquotes today. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean sodales, est a dictum ultrices, tellus metus venenatis ipsum, eu tristique risus urna id elit. Pellentesque lacus est, congue non, consequat a, viverra in, nunc. Curabitur libero erat, ornare eu, congue quis, cursus quis, lorem.…
I read this quite a while back and went looking for it: CSS Drop Shadows: A List Apart Add to this thought in the back of my mind: the CSS trick I learned for wrapping text and left-justifying text from “Learning Moveable Type” Could they be combined? Also, that’s a sweet trick for setting off a quote block… it could be centered rather than left-justified and Bob’s yer uncle. Must play with that later.