• The Never-Ending Bloga

    Bloglines- Whoa!

    Yesterday, it was the Little Free, Web-Based News Aggregator that could. Today, totally new look with clickable tabs, blogs, feeds, and all kinds of clicky goodness. Some of the new features are interesting (tabs and sharing feeds) and some are not (kind of a harsh blue on the eye when looking at the aggregator, it needs to be paler and less painful). Some of their choices for font size and so on are a bit questionable, too.

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Mozilla Woes

    Damn it, I can’t figure out why the links section busts so spectacularly in Mozilla. I’ve been Googling around on it… there was one place that indicated that a similar problem was caused by the scripting for Sitemeter. I’ve got another stats package, so I took that out. I’ve got the silly poll (which nobody seems interested in anywa) that also uses Javascript, but David thinks it’s something else. Other links I ran across earlier seemed to think it was the old problem of touching floats or divs or what-not (I can’t describe it, but I think I get the…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga


    Well, I think I’m approaching the apogee of the third stage of blogging, at least in Moveable Type. Oh, no, not because I’ve learned everything there is to know about MT, but because I’ve learned just enough to know there’s a hell of a lot I don’t know about what I’m doing with the blog; when I run it through the validator there are a hell of a lot of errors that I don’t really understand (well, some). I might be able to do a lot of cleanup, or more likely a lot of damage to my main index template…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    The Humble Blue Belt in MT-Do

    Blue Belt Your skills are adequate from managing day-to-day life as a MT-Do, but you still have much to learn. Take the MT-Do test I might have ranked higher if I had installed MT all by myself, or if I had actually made modifications to the program (what, I can’t even figure out how the macro thingy works unless I can see how someone else did it and adapt). But glee! I’m not a white belt. There’s consolation.

  • Home Improvement - Moblog - The Never-Ending Bloga

    The Long Nightmare is Over

    Well, I’ve put an 8-hour day into screwing around trying to get something to work again. So now, let’s talk about the house again, shall we? The “kitty garden” is growing fairly well, except that the lawn service guys keep cutting the hell out of it with their big string trimmer. I keep forgetting to put some fencing around it; they came earlier than expected this weekend and caught me again with no fence and no little sign in Spanish saying “Favor de no cortar” which I hope is a fairly polite way of saying “please don’t cut (these).” However,…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    I am SO smart, S – M – R – T!

    Oh my GOD! Amazon links are finally working right. Thank you, Silverberry! I never could get Brad Choate’s version (slightly different, similar effect) working; I ran across a reference that it had to do with smart quotes replacing dumb quotes (guess what I have?) The “complex” macro uses overLIB, process tags, and I suspect there’s something I should do with encode_js in order to deal with apostrophes in the titles of books. <MTMacroDefine name="amazon" ctag="amazon"> <MTIfNotEmpty expr="[MTMacroAttr name='asin']"> <MTAmazon devtoken="XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" associateid="xxxxxxxxxxx" search="[MTMacroAttr name='asin']" method="Asin"> <a href="<MTAmazonLink>" onmouseover="return overlib('<img src=\'<MTAmazonSmallImage>\' align=\'left\' border=\'0\' hspace=\'5\'/><b>Amazon Price:</b><MTAmazonSalePrice><b><br />Released:</b> <MTAmazonReleaseDate format="%B %Y"><br /><a href=\'<MTAmazonLink>\'>Buy me…</a>',…

  • Photos and Shutterblogs - The Never-Ending Bloga - Traveling Along, We're Adventurers

    Photos from the Road

    Aw! David started blogging again, although he moved Geeky Ramblings over to WordPress, owing to not wanting to have multiple authors on Moveable Type. He’s already uploaded all of the trip photos from his camera, the excellent Canon EOS Digital Rebel. I’m taking more time to tinker with mine. I’ll get my gallery uploaded later on. In the meantime, his photos are in RoadTrip2004 Disregard all the horrible full-figure shots of me, look only at the scenery and flowers.

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Can You Hear Me NOW???

    FARGO, N.D. – A man who said he was fed up with his cellular phone service went to a Fargo mall and started hurling phones across a store, striking an employee and causing more than $2,000 in damage, authorities said. Guess he was really fed up with the annoying banner ads. I know I am, because it bugs the hell out of me when I get Mfop2to work but Verizon adds an annoying 2 line ad with extra spaces that reads: This message was sent using Picture Messaging from Verizon Wireless! To learn how you can snap and send pictures…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga


    Some minor changes I’m working on (not ready for prime time) .side { font-family:verdana, arial, sans-serif; color:#2F4F4F; font-size:x-small; font-weight:normal; background:#F5F5F5; line-height:110%; padding:5px; } .sidetitle { font-family:verdana, arial, sans-serif; color:#666666; font-size:small; font-weight:bold; padding:4px; margin-top:0px; letter-spacing: .1em; border:2px solid #999; text-align:left; background:#FFCC66; }