• The Never-Ending Bloga

    When The CSS Shadows Fall

    I screwed around trying to figure this out before, and then I settled for setting slightly differently colored grey borders and said “the hell widdit,” because the best method required me to wrap an extra div around the image tags. Then I realized my husband David was using the exact same method, and that it wasn’t such a big deal learning to deal with the div, as it were. So here goes. Will it work? I don’t know. UPDATE: Holy CRAP! It works! I used the same method I’d looked at before, David’s does pretty much the same thing but…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga


    My Google ads are politically schizophrenic at the moment. I added them back in, and took out the Bookqueue thing that I was never updating, and will think about putting in a Bookqueue static page for all the stuff I’ve got in the database so far. Later. I’ve got other blogfish to fry.

  • The Never-Ending Bloga


    Over at clagnut a nifty feature called “Gravatars” has been enabled. These are globally recognized avatars – you sign up for one for free, and any time you comment on a blog that has enabled them, your image pops up next to your comment. They have a rating system, and you can choose whether or not to allow them using the familiar movie rating codes. my husband David might like this for his WordPress blog, I think it would be fun for mine only if I did some tweaking to have inline comments (instead of the current pop-up window) and…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Wonky Commentary

    I know that all 2 of you have been complaining about the comments being slow or funky. So my husband David did some tinkering under the hood, and it should improve performance. Theoretically. If you were to bother to say anything. Heh.

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Need To Check Security Settings

    I need to have my husband David check this out ASAP: How were they able to do this? So far I think the answer is that my webhost was running suEXEC, yet I hadn’t uncommented the Umask lines in the mt.cfg. See Enabling Security features in the MT Installation manual. Movable Type produces files with permissions set so that people other than the owner have “write” privileges. If you have Cgiwrap or suEXEC you really do need to uncomment the Umask lines in your mt.cfg file. The Umask lines will set more restrictive permissions on the Movable Type files. If…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - SABRE2th Tigress: Book 'em, Dano. - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Son of Comments Wacky

    As my chum Bard Sinister points out, the comment feature is acting up again. It’ll time out after you click Post, and seemingly nothing happens. However, in actuality the tiny virtual hamsters that run this site are still running in their wheels, and the post gets updated with the new comment. So if you hit “Post” a second time, as I did earlier today, you get 2 posts for the price of one. Argh. I’ll look into why that may be happening – might have been a temporary glitch. Also, due to a strange conversational convergence, comments were going up…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Search Me!

    It’s been awhile since I’ve bothered to check my stats page for the site – this fact alone probably puts me deep in Stage 5. However, some of the search terms are pretty funny, obscure, or both. There are several patterns or trends that I’ve identified: Amazing Race stuff Funny error messages, as in “Bad server, no donut for you” Firefly, Stargate, Harry Potter, and Farscape fans looking for intel People searching for news stories, such as the “Beer Guzzling Bear” People trying to find that funny site they saw somewhere, such as “Hey! It’s That Guy!” Those are from…

  • Food, Glorious Food - Funnies - Good and Joyful Things - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - The Never-Ending Bloga - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Hell…lo Yes, I’d Like To Order A Pizza

    Funnies Stuff Bucky Katt is at it again: he proposes to make dinner for Rob and Satchel. He says he shall require a plump rat, a sprig of catnip, and a throw rug. Cotton. I think I know what the throw rug is for. Food Stuff We didn’t order a pizza tonight, we marinated some salmon in a ponzu-like concoction that consisted of soysauce, orange juice, rice vinegar, sesame oil, honey, toasted sesame seeds, ground multi-colored pepper, and garlic. This time, there was a little wasabi in there. Last time, I grated some orange zest in there. Either way, it…