Well, this is pretty stupid looking. I accessed the blog from another computer and a lot of the button graphics and other images on my front page have my little “hotlinking denied” graphic. Not to mention the main banner image (good one) and all the “drop shadow” images, which underlie most of my posted photos. E-eee-eeexcellent. I’ve already sent an email to David so we can mess around with this tonight. Meanwhile, enjoy the lime green. This same thing happened on the Holy Moly blog, but it corrected itself when I cleared cache on my browser. So don’t feel sad…
I’m not known for having one – a spine – and it’s a long time since I checked my standings at , but apparently I finally made it on to dry land in TTLB Ecosystem, after languishing as either a flippery fish or a crawly amphibians for about forever. Last year some time, a Blog Personage linked to my blog for a while, which catapulted me into Flappy Bird status, but it didn’t last and I bumped long with the other slimy molluscs for a while. Just once, it would be nice to be a cute, cuddly l’il mammal. We’ll…
No, no, no, no, no. I’m not really tinkering around with the blog. I’m not considering a complete re-design so soon. I’m not really tired of the wacky display issues inherent in a 3-column design. I am, however, embarassed at the tacky kludge that be my CSS and “main template” files. Of course, one way to improve on them and make a fresh start is to upgrade to the latest version of MT and fool around with their new templates and styles, but then I’d have to do some other tinkering with templates to get comments looking right and the…
I was tinkering with the template (while humming the “Blacksmith’s Chorus”) and took out some stuff, may take out some more stuff, added in some stuff. Maybe someday (not soon) I’ll get past the “hey, here’s some cool crap to stick on the sidewall” stage. Check this out – now visitors get mapped. So where you at? It’ll show on the map. It’s pretty funny to zoom all the way in on satellite view. But funny ha-ha, or funny weird? Not sure yet, but click the new “gVisit Log” link in the right column and you’ll see a Googlemap showing…
Whee! It works! First time! David is a genius! MTGalleryLink is da bomb! Slickeroo! There are more tricks that it can do, like a random image, but the doc page says it only refreshes the image on a rebuild. Hah. I have a true randomizing script that makes the moblog images change on every refresh. It’s called rotator.php and I was able to set it up without David’s help, so it’s possible I could do it again with this MTGalleryLink thing. That would be fairly cool. Holy CRAP. Holy frick-in CRAP. This just made the last, agonizingly long-awaited Final Entry…
Jay Allen, of MT-Blacklist/Comment Spam Clearinghouse fame, generously recommends Brad Choate's Spam Lookup as a more comprehensive solution to webspam/commentspam/trackspam. The nightly build (which fixes a bug in beta 2) is here. So, in short, for spamkilling purposes on the new and improved MT3.16 version of the blog, I think I'd like to give "Spam Lookup" a whirl. I like MT-Blacklist, but it's kind of slow, and the cross-blog functionality alone makes it possible for me to open up the 'Quicklinks' sideblog comments. Plus… hey, I think I could eventually bring the Holy Moly blog under its wing, too. Hmm.…
David, the sneaky sneakster, upgraded the beta blog to MT3.16, and I'm at the "tweaking templates to look right with the new stylesheet" stage. Still some archive templates to be fixed so they display the new banner image and colors. I will be going through all the templates looking for inconsistencies that may be lurking there from my old installation, but I'm pleased that the latest version is a new commitment to quality (and bugfixes). Via About Six Apart – Mena's Corner UPDATE: as previously stated, I've got some template tweaks to do. And the cool crap is getting cut…
Niall Kennedy’s Weblog: Movable Type 3.16 coming Monday Okay, not as bad as I first thought. I think we continue getting my MT3.15 installation working properly before we worry about MT3.16. That is all. As you were.
It’s a process. David has installed MT3.15 and with his help I’ve got a beta site working, more or less. I haven’t decided if I’ll go to a radical style re-design or not. He also installed BookqueueToo and that seems to be working, finally. The stumbling block with that was not only did I need to request a new web services subscription ID from Amazon, I also had to go in and change the Amazon associates ID, both of which are configured via different screens. And cleverly, the BookQueueToo developer had substituted his own associates ID as the default. But…
Build error in template ‘books’: Error in MTBookQueueEntries tag: Error reading XML content: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 24, column 19, byte 907 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/XML/Parser.pm line 187. Well, my bookqueue is somewhat messed up, and I can’t get it to finish updating until my dear in-house geek looks at this error message. And yeah, I should probably just leave it until the upgrade is done.