Spider (solitaire) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now the truth can be told: I’m battling an addiction to Spider Solitaire, which I find both oddly compelling and relaxing. Behold teh evul! Dude, you need to deal. Also, you haven’t cleared any “tableaux” (ace through king of one of two suits) and you only have 2 hands left. You won’t be assured of winning until you clear at least 4 tableaux, out of a possible 8 in a 2-suit game. Don’t obsess about “wasted” moves as described in the Wikipedia article; if you want to win, you WANT to have an…
Okay. Work: busy. Holy Moly: busy. Home: somewhat busy. Folks in Utah: incredibly busy. There’s so much going on in various arenas lately that there’s not a lot of time for blogging. This bothers me, because I keep having experiences that are worth blogging, or seeing oddities that deserve to be noted. I used to do a lot of blogging at work, but things keep changing there, and the call volume is high. So it doesn’t really do to spend a lot of time farting around on the web… so I’ve been using del.icio.us a lot lately to keep track…
This is one of those portmanteau posts – you know, a fabulous and not-entirely-practical construct used to illustrate a point in a story (often a shaggy dog one). First off, I've been using ecto for a while, off and on, and while I found it most useful when I had a lot of images to pull into my big Maui post, I haven't been using it much since it upgraded to version 2.0. Mostly because I was struggling with the difference between "Rich Text" and "HTML" mode. It has some handy formatting buttons that only work in Rich Text mode,…
Was this a good idea or not? I was tinkering around with that last, big post and realized that ecto had announced that the latest version was available. There are some updates I’ve been waiting for in the new version, so I was all set to download it and give it a whirl. A caveat: it required that I uninstall my previous version of ecto. I didn’t want to lose a huge amount of settings, data, and that one big draft post, so I finished it as “Adventures in Paradise, Part 1.” I did the reinstall – during this process,…
Whoa. Last month I cracked the lid open a little, and I'm still not sure why. My stats page logged 9,030 unique visitors. Probably 8,999 of those were spambots and trackback zombies, but still. Apparently the mere mention of H.R. 4437 drove a lot of visitors here. Huh? All I did was link to an article. Anyway, today being the first of the month, I checked to see what people are searching on today. And the result is pretty predictable: Search Keyphrases (Top 10) somali woman 2 7.6 % newton tomb 2 7.6 % capaccio bros 1 3.8 % having…
I just sneezed, extra-juicily, all over it. Gah. So, yes. Still sick, but not as a dog. Maybe I’m just sick as a cat – cute sneezes, lying around all day, demanding to be fed, etc. At least there have been no hairballs, yet. I’m going to try to add in the “Recent Comments” thing again later. It stopped working, and I couldn’t figure out if it was related to an upgrade somewhere, a plugin conflict, or what. I’ll probably be stopping by Learning Moveable Type’s tutorial to figure it out. Spoke to Mom on the phone – she sounds…
I had a couple of days of head-scratching, then rising panic. I’ve been using a registered copy of ecto for Windows and had found this thread on their support forum that seemed to address the problem. So I duly followed the instructions, which were a little bit scary – basically, I had to edit a config file. Great, fine, but it didn’t fix the problem. I mentioned it to the Geek in Residence, my husband David. And he mentioned that a couple of other programs exhibit the same annoying behavior, and then with a click or two, there was ecto.…
There are still some oddities encountered working with blogging client ecto. But I’m getting used to it. The nag screen comes up every time I start the thing, but I’ve seen nags that are much more obnoxious. Okay, 3,2,1 let’s jam. iTunes: Cowboy Bebop: Tank! (Opening Theme): Cowboy Bebop OST [3:30] First of all, I’m still not clear as to whether I’m saving a draft, or publishing to blog, or saving a whole new duplicate post. I’ve had a couple of dupe so far. It’s probably a force-of-habit thing that I’ll get over. I do like the “auto-save every X…
David, on Day One of our last trip to Maui. Really, this is more of a test post, I’m checking out ecto, and the iTunes plugin associated with it. I’ve managed to get it working and it appears to be mostly harmless. There’s a support forum, Time for the acid test. I may be cracking open a beer in a second, but will there be much joy? or no joy? Ledward Kaapana:Whee Ha Swing:Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Masters[2:37] Technorati Tags: iTunes, plugins, Maui
Okay, things done: Removed cruft from side columns Signed up for del.icio.us Signed up for Feedburner Created new feed, David redirected old feeds Tinkered with Quicklinks, got MTAmazon partly working Tinkered with stylesheet, fiddled with tags/categories footer Things left undone: Get MTAmazon fully working in Quickbooks Add del.icio.us links on right column Look for more old cruft to delete Update “About” page Go through Bookqueue, cycle books around Learn more about adding music links via del.icio.us iTunes: Would like to blog playlists Find more Hawaiian slack-key for iPod Start using the rating system more Tasks: Pet-related chores >^t^ Try to…