• Flickr - The Never-Ending Bloga

    To The Pillory With Her! But Pay Her Maybe!

    This post is not going to make sense to anyone who doesn’t both have a blog and post photos to Flickr. Several dozen (or hundred, or thousand, or hundred-thousand) people on Flickr are either really ticked off at me, or they know that I’ve been revealed as a completely clueless user of the WordPress plugin, Photo Album. Or both I didn’t configure it right, and through a series of accidents and misunderstandings, people started complaining yesterday in at least two well-traveled and high traffic forums connected to a couple of large photo groups on Flickr. People were yelling for my…

  • Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Braiding and Tearing Out By Turns

    The Braid Blog – Two Communities Coming Together To Make… » One Bread, One Body December 31 When we go to our regular schedule on January 14, the 9 a.m. liturgy will be close to what the Holy Innocents’ liturgy has been, and the 11 a.m. liturgy will be similar to what St. Nicholas has done. In the months ahead, I will tweak both liturgies some, to make them even stronger vehicles for worship and especially to make them even more inviting to visitors. The 9 a.m. tweaking will be minor – singing the psalm and one or two more…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    iTunes Woes

    For a month or more, I haven’t blogged much about iTunes, because I was having a frustrating issue with iTunes, ecto, and oddly enough, AOL. A long time ago, about a million Intarwebs years or so, I had an AOL account. When I got my iPod and set up iTunes last year, I stupidly allowed the default set up to use my old AOL account name and password – hey, it asked, and the credit card was still valid. Then I came to my senses after the first month or two, created a new iTunes ID and used the same…

  • Photos and Shutterblogs - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Photographic Procrastination

    Taken at Maroon Bells, near Aspen, Colorado. You know, I really need to upload the rest of my photos from the October road trip. At the moment, though, I’m just testing a new beta version of ecto, 2.2.0 beta 3, and it has a very, very cool Flickr plug-in that pulls photos in very nicely, and then it applies all my fussy drop shadow doodaddery. This process would be speeded up greatly (like, Warp 10, Mr. Worf greatly) if I could log in automatically to Flickr. However, I couldn’t log in to my own personal photos to pull them, although…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Testing, Testing

    Testing a few things… ecto with WordPress, specifically with the configuration I have with the WP-WYSIWYG Rich Text editor. It did not play well with the HTML coded tags in the last post, which I ought to have realized. So I will try adding the “quick tags” via ecto, which use angle brackets. Also, I want to see how it handles the little “insert current iTunes track played here” thing that ecto does. And it’s currently not working right, as it seems to remember the last thing tracked before I downloaded and installed the beta. It’s too late tonight to…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Feed Burned

    We've been having some minor technical difficulties with our feed. But now that my husband David has figured out who to set up the automatic Feedburner plugin so that it updated correctly, all seems to be good now. I updated the little feed image widget on the left column.  For everyone that was reading via RSS feed, sorry! I hope you find your way back here, I didn't do do this very cleanly when I cut everything over. And I'm sorry that I put David through that – it was pretty frustrating for him while he was getting it straightened…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Thanks a lot, ***Dave. Thanks a whole lot

    I was up far too late last night tinkering with this WordPress beta version of my blog, I admit that. Moments after posting a comment over at DDtB inviting folks over for a preview, I enabled a “Friends” macro to point automatically to his blog. I set it to recognize his nick, ***Dave. Then I changed a couple of style options directly, in the style.php file that my husband David has warned me repeatedly not to mess with. So I wasn’t sure what exactly I had done when I refreshed my screen to see my changes, and POOF!! No blog!…

  • Episcopal - Flickr - Moblog - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - The Never-Ending Bloga - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Eureka, Flickr Works, ecto works, almost there

    Now it’s just a question of doing the main cutover from Movable Type to WordPress. Why? Because I was getting spam-hammered on my Holy Moly website, and MT just couldn’t deal with it, let alone get rid of it very well. I wasn’t getting as much here, but that’s because my installation here was newer and slightly more robust in the anti-spam arsenal. According to my husband David, WP is about impervious, and this particular theme, Tiga, is gravatar-ready. Soon enough, I’ll add in some dazzle via a plugin or three and fix up the header. The photo shows our…