• The Never-Ending Bloga

    No Moar Tweeks Plz! DO NOT WANT

    ARGH. I DO NOT WANT to go through that again. Well, if you would like to click the PHOTOS link on the menu to the upper left, you will see that I finally got Flickr Photo Album by Joe Tan configured to play pretty well with my current theme, WP-Andreas01-12 for WordPress. It was… not a pretty process. With David’s help, I had to edit or have him edit several files, have him delete a line of code so that only my own sets are “fetched” from Flickr, and not every public group I belong to, fix a persistent bug that’s been…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    ecto 2.3.3 and YouTube

    Well, I don’t know if ecto can help with YouTube videos showing in my feed, or if I should use WordPress’ custom field for that. Guess not, at least for now: And the WordPress custom field didn’t work for me either, though I know nothing about how to use it. I do know that the automatic enclosure WP used to wrap around media URLs is reportedly not working for some people, though I don’t know much about that either. I suppose this latest version of ecto – 2.3.3 – has some other nifty features that I’ll discover later. All my…

  • The Never-Ending Bloga

    Incessant Blog Fiddling Over For Now

    If the three of you that content yourselves with reading this mess of a blog via a feed reader or something haven't actually visited in a while, you'll be surprised if you click through to look at the place.  I got tired of the pretty pretty colors colors colors that I had overlaid on what started out to be a nice clean layout, and switched themes to WP-Andreas01 1.5. It's not as easy to customize as vanilla Tiga was, and having stuck my head under the hood to add my beloved drop shadows to the style sheet, I realized that…

  • Geek Out! - The Never-Ending Bloga


    Bought some new headphones today for use with my iPod Mini; this is now the third set of ‘phones I’ve used, and I hope it’s the last pair I have to buy in a long time. The pair that came with the Mini are the standard iPod “speakerbud” type. I was never crazy about the sound quality, didn’t like how they kind of balanced uneasily in my ears and more often than not fell out, and they broke after only a couple of months’ use. One day, I noticed that one of the wires had kinked, and then it frayed.…

  • Dear Mom - Photos and Shutterblogs - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Purty Gurl

    This is just a test post with perks: I get to see if Image Manager by Per Søderlind solves my little problem with IE not being able to show the WordPress image uploader. And it does, so nana-nana-booboo, Mr. Gates. My readers (all seven of you!) get to see my great-niece, Alexa. All snowy and cute. And perky. And it works! The crowd goes wild. Extended geeky navel-gazing follows… I had been somewhat puzzled by the fact that at home, I could upload images via either the WordPress built-in uploader, or via ecto, but I could not upload images while at work.…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Flickr - The Never-Ending Bloga

    WordPress 2.1 (and 2.0.7) no es simpatico con Flickr

    According to this, the Flickr Album plugin that I had used and then abandoned for a while isn’t working with the latest version of WordPress 2.1, which we’re now running here.  I’m hoping there’ll be a fix for the little problem I encountered where the default setting is to pull ALL photos from ALL groups onto the photo gallery page.  Also, something to fix the display problem when there are links in the descriptions. WordPress 2.1 (and 2.0.7) Support Status : tan tan noodles – msg free since 2005