Okay, the new template is set up more or less how I want it… the center column is about 25px too narrow to accomodate the larger images I’ve favored recently, the sidebars will have to be moved farther to the sides to allow for this, and the font is pretty small and needs to be a bit larger. But I’m happy with the result for now. The funny thing about WordPress’s much vaunted flexibility and “one click template change” setup is it’s a bit techy getting the new templates downloaded into the right directory to begin with, and each template…
After reinstalling ecto, which I like to use for blog posts because it works on my WordPress and Blogspot blogs, it suddenly stopped working and threw some kind of error. Frustrated, I set it aside and blogged using the other interfaces. On a whim, I tried opening it today, and there it is, working again. It must have been some update or other that David ran on our server(s). I’ll see if I can get profiles built (again) for my various blogs. I like ecto because it has a number of little buttons for easily adding Amazon, YouTube, Flickr, and…
Yes, I’ve been remiss. Yes, I’ve been up late a lot. The steep learning curve has been leveling off, though, and I may even watch television tonight (tomorrow for sure, because Torchwood is on). Some things going on in my life that don’t require logging on: Last week at Holy Moly, we celebrated All Saints with great music, and a moving and joyful (and very wet) baptism. St Nicholas has a font that’s more like a wading pool, it looks like this when not actually in use: This is from last year’s Bishop’s Visitation with Bp. Victor Scantlebury, the assistant…
We’ve been home for a week, and our two-week vacation has become a memory. All this week, we’ve been getting up, going to work, coming home, catching up with shows on TiVo, catching up with reading, catching up with Riley. For me, work wasn’t so much catching up as deleting a bunch of unwanted emails and shaking my head over the way a few of my clients seem to think that it’s no big deal to arrange a lot of hotel rooms with only 2 or 3 days’ notice. Unfortunately, my backup had to deal with this as it happened…
I’ve disabled/removed the code for SnapShots previews; it seemed like an ‘Oooh!’ when I saw it on another blog, but has become an ‘Ehhhh’ because any mousing around caused the previews to pop up unexpectedly. While Googling around looking for how to configure it, I ran across several mentions of it as an annoying feature, so maybe it’s just as well I’ve deleted it. If I can figure out how to set it to be less annoying, or to pop up on just a few types of links, the code goes in the “Footer” template of the current theme, just…
Just so I can remember what I just did with Feedburner and the church blog I’m posting it here because I pasted it in index.php there, in the post-medata DIV and then I copied the relevant section of the “help” file here… Paste the code you copied in step 1 just above the line <p class="postmetadata">. If you don’t see this code, don’t panic! Just paste the code near the post metadata (author, date, comments, etc) or contact us for help. Don’t panic. You know where your towel is, don’t you? Did the same thing in the single post template.…
The Braid Blog – Two Communities Coming Together To Make… Oh, my Dog. Well, the old Holy Moly blog from holy-innocents.org has now been refurbished and pointed to the new onebreadonebody.org site. Redirected, too. The new site has a paltry “click here for more news and events” link on just the main page. Will have to inquire about having a “Blog” link added to the links template on the side as well. This was complicated; I didn’t realize David had upgraded the HI blog installation to WordPress 2.2, while this site is still at 2.1, pending a few plugins that…
I’ve been having issues with the editing interface on this blog for a week or more, because I recently found out that the built-in rich text editor has some “hidden” buttons I’d like to use. I had been using a perfectly good plugin called WP-WYSIWYG, but there was no way to make an extended post using that method. And that was hanging me up, because that forced me to only do extended posts while using my home computer, where I have ecto, a cross-platform desktop publishing program. Meanwhile, I got suckered into trying the built-in editor because of the extended…
Advanced WYSIWYG in WordPress 2.1 : Just Some Dot Com Holy CRAP! Hitting ctrl+alt+V in Firefox or ctrl+V in IE turns the merely adequate WYSIWYG editor that comes standard with WordPress 2.1.* into something much more robust and useful. It adds some HTML snippets, like headings, in a drop down menu, and it adds some extra functionality for pasting as plain text or from Word. Some of these functions were the reason I went looking for ecto, the third-party editor I still use, but ecto is not available to me if I’m not at my home computer. This next bit…
Using Custom Fields « WordPress Codex I haven't been able to figure this feature out, but I'd like to get it working if possible. This tutorial makes it sound so easy, like the jitterbug, but it plum eluded me the last time I tinkered with it. Supposedly, you can get it to do all kinds of things, but the simplest are adding moods and "Currently Reading" and such. Here is an example of what this information might look like on your post: Currently Reading: Calvin and Hobbes Today's Mood: Jolly and Happy Usage Based upon our example above, let's put…