• The Life of Riley

    The Taking of Pelham 123: Furry Footpad Swipes Gloves

    Cat burglar suspect in garden-glove thefts – Yahoo! News As if the gardeners of Pelham don’t have enough to worry about, with the rocky soil and the slugs and the big trees casting too much shade, a feline felon has been sneaking into their back yards and carrying off gardening gloves. Goche’s flower-patterned number may soon take its place on the clothesline that’s strung across the front fence at Willy’s home, which he shares with Jennifer and Dan Pifer, their 19-month-old son Hudson and a mutt named Peanut Chew. Above the line is a sign that says, in words and…

  • The Life of Riley

    Friday Bad Cat Blogging

    Hmmmm. It appears that I was not keeping the kitty box as clean as I should have. Thank goodness for Nature’s Miracle… excuse me while I do a little laundry. Note to self: Every other day, or every day. Every other day, or every day. Otherwise, don’t leave attractive piles of clothes around. Said cat has been chastised. Bad!! Cat!! Bad!! Naughty!! Although, to be fair, it should be Bad! Monkey! Bad! Naughty!

  • The Life of Riley

    Something’s Fishy

    Something is definitely fishy around there. That lady that was here a few days ago came back. My monkeylady jabbered to her and gave her some of those paper things and then they looked at me and tried to get me to play. Well, I only did a little, I was thrown a little off my game by the presence of the other lady. However, I will soon have her under my paw. She will be mine. My monkeys went into one of the “No-no Riley” rooms last night and left the door open, and so I went in and…

  • The Life of Riley

    Ouch! My Poor Paw!

    “Ow! Ow! YEEEOW! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYOWTCH!!” Yes, I did indeed vocalise in this very vulgar manner tonight. I was quite overcome with pain. My furry human was busying himself with doing something about the monkey chow they eat at night, and I was in my usual position right at his feet. Well, I was only offering to take care of any little fishy tidbits that happened to find their way to the floor. And then he stepped back and put his big monkey food down HARD, RIGHT on my little paw, and it HURT. I screamed loudly and ran away. My monkeywoman…

  • Moblog - The Life of Riley

    Message from riley

    One way to remind me to buy cat food is to send a Pix message to my cameraphone. Very clever. Unfortunately, I left my phone at home, so when David sent the message, my phone started buzzing from its place on the countertop, where it had been quietly charging. Yes, yes, I’ll remember to take it with me tomorrow. Via: Flickr Title: Message from riley By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 12 Jan ’06, 1.12am PST I need more food.

  • The Life of Riley

    My Feline Co-Conspirators

    My monkeylady was reading something on the computer, and then as she often does, wandered away. I took the opportunity to do a little kitty recon and found a few more fellow travelers in the Cat’s Right movement (our motto: “The cat’s right, monkey. Get used to it.” Another monkeylady writes about her cats, and has conversations with them much like I have with my own monkeys: ginmar: Note to self:After boiling hot water for “STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!” “NOW!” “Off the counter!” “What did I say?” “No more laser pointer for YOU!” “Get OUT of there!” “Get OFF of…

  • The Life of Riley

    United Federation of Hurling Cats

    Ha! My monkeys left the computer unguarded again. Silly monkeys. I took the opportunity to check in on a few of my brethren and sistren in the Cat underground. Caveat Lector | Good morning, housemonkey Didi came in for her morning trample bright—well, dark and early this morning. Yawning, I got up to feed her, and check in by IM with a friend of mine in Australia. Turning on the light, I discovered that one of them hurled on my winter cloak. Good morning, housemonkey! Isn’t it a lovely morning! Good work, Didi! I commend you. I myself have had…

  • The Life of Riley

    For Persons Who Care About Cats

    Please, please, please adopt a cat this week and give thanks for companionship, warmth, and a new friend who purrs: Chicago Tribune | Cats multiplying like rabbits David and I adopted Riley Cat Gibbs after a long spell of catlessness, and have had so much fun playing with him and getting to know his beguiling little ways. We’re so grateful we helped rescue him, and we’re grateful to the folks at PACT Humane Society who helped. There are several links to Chicago-area shelters in the Trib story – to that I’ll add a link to PACT Humane Society, Chicagoland’s largest…

  • The Life of Riley

    My Domain

    The last few weeks have flown by in a happy blur. My monkeys – in fact, I now think of them as “my beloved monkeys,” have gone to great lengths to make me comfortable. Recently, they have bought new toys and invented new games to keep me entertained and healthy. I am especially fond of “Sock Jail” and “Whack-A-Mouse,” and also now have two special sleeping beds of my very own. One of them I hated until they turned it on its side, whereby it became perfectly acceptable. The other one is a very upscale leather hammock in the monkey’s…