• The Life of Riley

    Re-Purpose The Baffling New Into The Tried-And-True Old

    Oooowee, my first time uploading video to YouTube evar.  Of course it’s of the cat, duh. This is what Riley’s cat toy originally looked like, but he never played with it this way, he just watched it, occasionally batted at the bottom, and was baffled by the noise and clattering if he tried to grab the string. As he’s declawed, perhaps he just didn’t feel like he was getting anywhere since he could never grab the string at all. [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/bMmxm-R_thw" width="425" height="344" wmode="transparent" /] Fling-ama-String cat toy mechanizes feline torture – Boing Boing Gadgets Fling-A-Ma-String Cat Toy The “Fling-ama-String”…

  • The Life of Riley

    Happy Cat Loves Teh Litterbox Naow

    @MrRileycat_Esq didn’t like the highly scented “major label” cat litter I used, apparently. He had Issues. We had a Serious Problem. Solved it with Dr Elsey’s Precious Cat line of cat litters. Precious Cat Litters – Quality Cat Litter Dr Elsey offers several different options: there’s the Cat Attract stuff, which is pricier, and there’s the regular Precious Cat Classic and Ultra litters, plus specialty ones for kittens and long-haired cats. He also sells these “litter attractant” herbs but so far I haven’t felt the need to get them. Over nine million cats suffer from litter box aversion. It’s a…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - The Life of Riley - Twitter

    Internet Declares Socks-Found-Safe Thanksgiving Day 2009

    @Pennycat denies involvement in disappearance of Twitteratti @Sockington Sockington is Missing (Update: FOUND) — HUZZAH SOCKS ARMY UPDATE: SOCKS HAS BEEN FOUND. He was underneath a shelf in my office, wrapped in a curtain, completely spooked and terrified. For the first time in years, he spent hours completely silent, not even reacting to hands, flashlights and food being waved inches from where he was. We’ve got him resting in a bedroom and letting whatever freaked him out get out of his system. As I posted on Jason’s blog post and Flickr page showing a very subdued Sockington, it’s a huge…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - The Life of Riley - Twitter

    CROCS Intervenshun – Thanks For Ur Halps LOLcatz!

    I wonder what MrRileycat_Esq would do if I came home wearing CROCS? Would he react like this stalwart cat, saving his or her human from committing shoe crime? Every now and then, I think about getting a pair of CROCS, because they’d make pretty practical gardening clogs and also for those times when we’re on vacation and need a comfortable slip-on sandal that won’t get ruined by salt water. Fortunately, the good people at I Can Has Cheezburger were there to stop me from doing irreparable harm to my dignity and self-respect.

  • Radio - The Life of Riley

    Sunday: Radio Daze

    We returned home from Kona to Chicago yesterday, taking an overnight flight so that we arrived yesterday morning at about 530AM. The last time I took a red-eye, I went straight to bed and was wide awake all night, so David advised me to stay up all day and not even nap until 9PM. Well, I made it to about noon, kept sliding sideways on the couch, and finally gave up and went upstairs. I did turn on the radio, though, thinking that I’d only “nap” for a couple of hours and “listen” to WBEZ’s Sunday programming. Hah. Well, I…

  • The Life of Riley - Today

    Lazy Saturday Snooze

    Purrrrrrrrrr… UPDATE: GRRR! Uploading a photo direct from my iPhone via the WP plugin strips out some but not all angle brackets, breaking the img tags. Sending a photo to Flickr via email, which re-directs to the blog with pre-formatted div tags, also strips angle brackets. Thirdly, using a Firefox plugin called ScribeFire to blog from my desktop computer also strips angle brackets. Only posting from the HTML editor screen within the main WP installation results in SUCCEED. The other third-party applications for sending posts with photos results in various flavors of FAIL.

  • The Life of Riley

    Mega Kitty Love Fest: Day 4

    We returned from our vacation trip on Sunday and since then we’ve gotten back into the routine: eat, sleep, work, and pet the cat. Pet the cat. And pet the cat some more. Rileycat is an affectionate cat on any given day, but after we return from an absence, he becomes a LOVEMONGER. He is like movable kitty velcro. He likes nothing better than to be incessantly juggled into a little ball and held and stroked and cooed over (various songs are required. Don’t make me sing them, they’re stupid and all have the word “babycat” in them). He doesn’t…

  • The Life of Riley

    Practicing Six Sigma CPM (Cat Poop Management)

    I was checking out various cat litter systems when I ran across this gem in an old thread at Metafilter: Best cat litter system | Ask Metafilter One of the most important factors in cat poop management (cpm) is the type of food that you feed your cat. If you feed your cat dry food, the cat will have hard firm poop (hfp). If you feed your cat wet food, it is more likely to have messy squishy poop (msp). Msp smells a lot more than hfp, and it is much harder to scoop.If you want to practice six sigma…