• Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts - Politics, Schmolitics

    The No Good, Very Bad News Day For tRUmp

    On the day the New York Times story on Fred Trump’s decades-long tax fraud comes out, PBS Frontline drops a major investigative report on the Trump-Russia connection "Trump's Showdown" methodically reveals how an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election has grown to threaten Donald Trump’s presidency. #frontlinepbs Watch NOW: https://t.co/GhSe2RrvTt pic.twitter.com/pKstbCwMPA — FRONTLINE (@frontlinepbs) October 3, 2018

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father – The New York Times

    In the end, the transfer of the Trump empire cost Fred and Mary Trump $20.5 million in gift taxes and their children $21 million in annuity payments. That is hundreds of millions of dollars less than they would have paid based on the empire’s market value, The Times found. — Read on www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-tax-schemes-fred-trump.html

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    The Year-Long Week

    It’s become common in my circles on Twitter  to joke that time moves extremely slowly in Trumpland, but at the same time the news cycle moves at light speed. Every day, every night, something new happening.   This nomination brawl for Brett Kavanaugh has become all-consuming. I don’t want hard-right, anti-abortion, partisan operative on the Supreme Court. Politically, for me, he’s the worst choice I can think of for women, minorities, the disabled, the poor, labor, and anyone who opposes the issues that the donor class wants. That’s BEFORE all of the allegations started coming out. The events of the…

  • Politics, Schmolitics - The Never-Ending Bloga - Twitter

    Get Ready. Long Blog Post Percolating.

    It seems like forever since I wrote anything longer than a tweet. Especially since @Twitter went from 140 to 280 characters. And I’ve stayed off of Facebook mostly to avoid seeing propaganda ads (sorry friends and family). And even “forever” is longer now in the Drumpf era. Today on Twitter, I joked that if dog years are 7 human years, 1 newscycle day is 24 years, and one newscycle year is 14,600 human years. How long ago was it that we thought “One Scaramucchi = 11 days” was funny? I haven’t even touched my desktop computer in months (ie., several…

  • Mini-Posts - Politics, Schmolitics

    5 Political Links Mon Dec 11 21 21:59:13 2017

    Here’s a pocketful of links, stacked up for easy viewing. Alabama Farmer Who Lost Gay Daughter To Suicide Protests Roy Moore’s Homophobia: Sometimes it takes a devastating loss for someone to see the impact of their hateful, homophobic and bigoted views. In this video, a heartbroken dad named Nathan Mathis is seen outside a Roy Moore rally in Wicksburg, Alabama. Mathis is seen holding a photo of his daughter, now deceased. – by Red Painter – Tags: feedly, ifttt, politics – https://crooksandliars.com/2017/12/alabama-farmer-who-lost-gay-daughter Sen. Gillibrand calls on Trump to resign: Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    A Couple Of Wrong Uns 

    Holy shit. Meanwhile, the gumflapper in the White House remains useless. Kim Jong Un – wrong and bad Donald J Trump – wrong, bad, and completely out of his depth. They’re both “wrong ‘uns.” TOKYO — North Korea launched a ballistic missile Tuesday morning that flew over the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, public broadcaster NHK reported. The government issued an alert for residents in some prefectures to take cover. Source: North Korean missile flies over Japan, escalating tensions and prompting an angry response from Tokyo  – The Washington Post

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Trump Org Was Negotiating For Moscow Tower During Candidacy – Sater

    If this had gone through last summer, would it have been a deal breaker for the Trumpist base? Probably not. Make Moscow Great Again! Nevertheless, the details of the deal, which have not previously been disclosed, provide evidence that Trump’s business was actively pursuing significant commercial interests in Russia at the same time he was campaigning to be president — and in a position to determine U.S.-Russia relations. The new details from the emails, which are scheduled to be turned over to congressional investigators soon, also point to the likelihood of additional contacts between Russia-connected individuals and Trump associates during…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    Trump asked Sessions about closing case against Arpaio

    This is outrageous. The President of the United States does not simply “let a case go to trial” as if he (or she) has any say in the process. As Joseph Arpaio’s federal case headed toward trial this past spring, President Trump wanted to act to help the former Arizona county sheriff who had become a campaign-trail companion and a partner in their crusade against illegal immigration. The president asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether it would be possible for the government to drop the criminal case against Arpaio, but was advised that would be inappropriate, according to three people…

  • Mini-Posts - Politics, Schmolitics

    4 Pocket Links Wed Aug 23 20 20:06:13 2017

    Here’s a pocketful of links, stacked up for easy viewing. Flickr: Repository of Resistance Memes: A really useful collection of Resistance memes, many were used in a recent “tweetstorm Google doc created by Jhamel. – by Honey DemForce – Tags: politics, theresistance, trump – https://www.flickr.com/photos/151634815@N03/sets/72157685219931514 CaptainsLog2017 on Twitter – by Herr Trump in, CaptainsLog2017 ??, Scarlet Witch 2017 ? – Tags: trump – https://twitter.com/CaptainsLog2017/status/900220349593374720 CaptainsLog2017 on Twitter PHX pics: #PhoenixRally pics thread – by East Coast, Deb, Dani G, Vicki Ringer, Dracula’s Spatula, Eric DeBlackmere, Kenny J #Resist, Cynthia Pease, Mrir, C Barker Congdon, CaptainsLog2017 ??, Scarlet Witch 2017 ?…