• Blogs Wot I Read - Good and Joyful Things - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics - Twitter

    The Ongoing Struggle to Save NOM! Teabagging, also!

    LOLcats, fight for your right to NOM NOM NOM! Also, teabagging FAIL! @nomtweets can suck it #savenom My mom-in-law and sister will be wondering what this is about if she happens to read this post. Where to start? It’s just this Internets thing, you know? Maybe I’d better put the rest of this behind a “MORE” link. See you after the jump, as the cool kids say…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Politics, Schmolitics

    Why Melissa Bean Trashed TARP

    As I suspected when I Twittered about it at the time , she’s a creature of the insurance and banking lobbyists. I am SO DISAPPOINTED in her. She replaced the worse do-nothing doddering Republican Congressman then in the House, and for this? Ugh. I hope some good people gear up to give her a primary challenge. And she still doesn’t have a Twitter account or a decent email system.  Her canned responses via email take forever. Jane Hamsher: Melissa Bean Helps Banks Gut Bill to Limit TARP Bonuses It looked like it was going to be smooth sailing for Grayson’s…

  • Politics, Schmolitics - Traveling Along, We're Adventurers

    Jindal: Scientists Need To Study Volcanoes, Sir

    Yesterday, the day after Bobby Jindal’s woefully inadequate “response to the Presidential Address,” we decided to go visit a volcano to see how our tax dollars are being spent in research. This is one of the things Jindal derided in his prepared remarks. HVO Kilauea Status Page Activity Summary for past 24 hours: The ongoing DI event began the inflation phase yesterday, which continues this morning. Sulfur dioxide emission rates remain elevated from the Halema`uma`u vent. Sulfur dioxide emissions continue to be elevated from the Pu`u `O`o vent. Lava from east rift zone vents appears to have resumed flow through…

  • Books - Geek Out! - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - Politics, Schmolitics

    Reviews: The Language Of God, Inherit The Wind, Frost/Nixon

    I started reading this book, but set it aside a while back. Now I need to get back into it, because we’re starting to get to some meaty stuff in the Adult Forum group I’m in at church. We’re discussing Evolution, Creationism Intelligent Design, and whether science and religion are as incompatible as some say. It’s a pretty free-ranging discussion group, as one member studied philosophy, another is a scholarly Jewish guy who runs the program, and the rest of us bring our own take to the party. For instance, I have a background or interest in evolution, paleontology, anthropology,…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Helluva Week, Governor Quinn!

    A huge sigh of relief went up as news commentators and pundits everywhere realized they wouldn’t have to try to pronounce or spell “Blagojevich” so much any more. Wow, what just happened? There was so much stuff going on this week, and I never really sat down in the evenings to sum up. Actually, the last two weeks have been pretty hectic, what with all the Washington hoopla last week, and the Springfield hoopla this week. The former was an occasion of great and redemptive joy, and the latter was an occasionally redemptive embarassment. Srsly, G-Rod? STHU! Although, I will…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Blago Running Late For His Own Impeachment

    The embattled and embarrasing Guv is making his way to Springfield. He left his house at 825am and was reportedly driving down, flying back. The House prosecutor arguing the case in the Illinois Senate begins his closing argument in a few minutes, at 10am. Blago will not even be there for it. How ballsy-rude is that? If he’s really driving all the way and not flying, he’s already more than an hour late. Here we go. Judge Fitzgerald will gavel the session to order after the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. Resolutions being offered. Chief Justice brings the Senate…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Maddow Vs. Blago: Transcript

    Governor Blalegovich made the rounds of many talk shows today; in fact, he went to eleven. The transcript of his appearance on Rachel Maddow’s show is already up, in advance. He has absolutely no idea she had him for lunch, and in fact she was in need of a toothpick and floss by the end. Transcript: Rod Blagojevich, one on one – Rachel Maddow show- msnbc.com BLAGOJEVICH: And it’s just so unfair to him, to hold him, somehow, responsible for allegations on me. He’ll be judged on his own record as senator. And I predict he’ll do a great job,…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Move ‘Em Out, Rodhide

    Gov Hopalong #Blagojevich’s media appearances today: 11 Likelihood that he will run late: 98% due to incessant glad-handing Likelihood that Rachel Maddow will have him for lunch: 75% Blagojevich again blasted Illinois Senate rules that prohibit his calling certain witnesses and producing certain evidence. “Unlike Richard Nixon, who was dealing with issues of tapes, who didn’t want his tapes heard,” the governor said. “I want mine heard. I’d like the full story to be told. If the Senate would let me have evidence, I sure would like to be there so I could prove my innocence.” Here’s the governor’s schedule…