Holocaust Museum Shooting Suspect Had History of Hate, Signs of Breaking Point – washingtonpost.com De Nugent called von Brunn a genius but described the shooting as the act of “a loner and a hothead.” “The responsible white separatist community condemns this,” he said. “It makes us look bad.”
C&L’s collection of right wingers denouncing the DHS report on extremist violence | Crooks and Liars
Glenn Beck and his fellow wingnuts proclaim Holocaust Museum shooter not a right-winger | Crooks and Liars
First, there was this: See PDF file here to make your own! And then, there was this:
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/9-nXT8lSnPQ" width="425" height="344" wmode="transparent" /] One man, with shopping bags, made a difference, even for a short while. I never knew there was a video, I had only seen the iconic photo. Apparently, the man actually climbed up on the lead tank for a while to shout at the soldiers within. You can hear crowd noises swelling as he delays the tank column. The twentieth anniversary of Tienanmen Square is reportedly being marked with plenty of plainclothes cops keeping people from videotaping, photographing, or doing anything to bring attention to the day. Feeling a bit sad at the news…
What? It’s a game controller. E3: An Indiecade Pluff profile | Technology | Los Angeles Times. Furry new cool kids’ ha-ha joke, since an obscure Pennsylvannia aide to a GOP legislator was arrested soliciting sex from a minor, with the added twist of furversion (which is apparently yiffing with bad intent).
Thanks to @DailyHerald, here’s a useful resource for contacting Illinois legislators. Some use their personal email addresses, and there’s no single state IL email domain? Good government FAIL. Daily Herald | How to contact your lawmakers Leaders Rep. Michael Madigan House speaker, 22nd District Springfield office: 217 782-5350 Chicago office: 773 581-8000 E-mail: mmadigan@hds.ilga.gov Fax preferred: 773 581-9414 Sen. John Cullerton Senate president, 6th District Springfield office: 782-2728 Chicago office: 773 883-0770 E-mail: john@senatorcullerton.com Rep. Tom Cross House GOP leader, 84th District Springfield office: 217 782-1331 Plainfield office: 815 254-0000 E-mail: tom@tomcross.com Sen. Christine Radogno Senate GOP leader, 41st District…
It would piss you off, right? I know it would really make me angry if that happened to my mom, but I can’t check because the information is hidden behind a registration wall AND a “member in good standing/temple recommend number” wall. Because when she was alive, she was really horrified by the idea that everyone in her family had been baptized against their will, after they died, and that someday she would, too. Well, it’s apparently happened to President Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham. I think it’s a terrible breach of spiritual protocol, the church’s own supposedly “hard and…
I ran across this earlier at Crooks and Liars and was thinking over some of the head-‘splody statements in it, wondering why it is that the Right, or the people that write their copy, are so open to using such transparently obvious crap in order to get ‘er done. For one thing, there’s either an egregious lie buried in it, or a really dumb mistake. Factcheck much? Here’s the first one called ” Thank You” OPEN ON A YOUNG MULATTO FEMALE DOCTOR. Thank you for ending slavery. A WOMAN EXECUTIVE STANDING IN FRONT OF HER DESK. Thank you for giving…
does WXRT know who funds the Foundation for a Better Life? Just heard a PSA about Abraham Lincoln, sounds like a burnish job for the Grumpy Old Party. Just so you know, Philip Anschutz‘s family values are not my family values. I just happened to hear it on WXRT’s webstream featuring the perseverance and admirable qualities of Abraham Lincoln, and was curious, because it reminded me of Crooks and Liars’ post about the Oregon GOP being linked to some very classy proposed public service announcements.