The Corporate-Person American movement is picking up steam… hilarious satire is always best when it flies a little under the radar. Stumbled across this when I was looking for images of Occupy cardboard protest signs for an event in Second Life. From the serious to the absurd, spectacular imagery, costumes, and music will accompany a cast of characters who self-identify as “Corporate Persons†gathering to celebrate the first anniversary of their Emancipation from the shackles of disenfranchisement, and demand full recognition of a new minority status: the Corporate-Person American. They will unveil their giant “We the Corporations†reworking of the…
Gingrich could sew up the Rational Right if he picks Huntsman, plus it throws a juicy bone to all the good people who’s feelings were “hart” over Robotney’s treatment by the religious Right. Link: Newt Gingrich vs. Jon Huntsman: 'Lincoln-Douglas' Debate Fails To Have Much Disagreement – The Huffington Post
Kossack David Nir gets to consume e tasty beverage of his choice; his diary on Rep. Joe Walsh’s reported $3.5mil campaign fund windfall got quoted on Huffington Post. That’s not quite as prestigious as being cited in Time or The New York Times, but it’s a pretty good showing. Especially as HuffPo’s Meghan Neal quoted my favorite political turn of phrase of the current election cycle. The closest I ever got to seeing my Congressman was when I showed up at a “small business” forum held nearby. Took photos of all the media trucks and went home. Well done, Kossack!…
This paragraph contains everything you need to know about Deadbeat Dad Rep. Joe Walsh, with the exception of his unwavering support for the state of Israel, and his complete failure to work on anything of actual benefit to the district. The meeting was held in Chicago’s Wrigleyville neighborhood — far from any of the districts he had considered representing but closer to TV cameras. Walsh, a darling of the tea party movement, has been a controversial political figure. At town hall meetings, Walsh has sharply rebuked some questioners, and he remains involved in a court dispute with his former wife…
Read the juicy quotes by IL-08 GOP leaders, who’re mighty ticked at Teabagger Joe, and then enjoy Tammy Duckworth’s devastating smack down. Link: Anger Among Party As Walsh District Shops
I’ve resolved to blog more often, play around with the blog design, and all that. I’ve been a little too focused on getting things squared away on the church Facebook page and a little too unfocused on… pretty much everything else going on around here, including blogging. Part of that is, yes, it’s hard to blog on the iPhone from work. I’ll just be getting over that hump however I can in future. Meanwhile, some funny sad, funny ha-ha, and funny weird things, all having to do with right-wing ideology, Paul Krugman, rock-and-roll, and/or humor. New York Times columnist Paul…
– Too funny. The wheels are coming off of Joe “Deadbeat Dad” Walsh’s bus. He’s not doing anything for the district, he’s been redistricted into a primary with another GOP Congressman, and he doesn’t deal well with critics. He prefers the “way to go, Joe!” sycophants on his Facebook page – there mostly fromfrom the Cro-Magnon Wing of the Republican Party. I hope this teaches people in the district a lesson: “VOTE. Or the crazies win.” U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) met with some constituents in the Chicago suburb of Gurnee Sunday — and apparently didn’t like what some of…
As seen at Digby; think we’re in the same nfighborhood. Link: The Political Compass
There is nothing remotely cute or endearing about 4 old guys gleefully plotting to kill hundreds or thousands of innocent people in Washington DC just to take down a little old thing we like to call the US Government, including the Executive Branch and most of Congress plus any other faceless bureaucrats. Nothing defensible in some of their other activities, either. I hope the undercover agents have been able to wash the stench off; the transcripts are appalling. It’s easy for me to make a cheap joke about old-guy terrorists mixing up their batches of castor bean-derived ricin, but the…
Link: Cantor Backtracks: Protesters’ Frustration ‘Warranted’ | Video Cafe.