• Moblog - Music - Traveling Along, We're Adventurers - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Herd O’ Flipflops

    Their grandad wrangled the flipflops while their owners played in the shade, waiting to enter the hula show venue. Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Herd O’ Flipflops By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 24 May ’09, 4.40pm CDT PST UPDATE: We were in line for a hula showcase (being fans of Hawaiian music and culture) and I noticed the guy behind us instructing a bunch of pre-teen girls to stay in sight, and he’d watch their shoes so they could run on the grass lawn in front of Bagley Wright Theatre. This meant that he had to kick a…

  • Moblog - Music - Traveling Along, We're Adventurers - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Gradec Croatian Tamburitza Orchestra

    Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Gradec Croatian Tamburitza Orchestra By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 24 May ’09, 3.14pm CDT PST UPDATE: We were waiting for the next act, after a long day wandering around mostly in the corner of the Seattle Center site near the Northwest Court Stage. This room seemed to have become the default “indoor folk venue where we stick acts that don’t have enough draw for a big outdoor stage” place. In years past, there was a coffeehouse vibe and this kind of act was in the Alki Room, a multi-level place with good sight…

  • Moblog - Music - Traveling Along, We're Adventurers - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Electric Mbira

      UPDATE:  And then I saw these guys – two conga players, a maracas player, and two guys playing ELECTRIC mbiras (they were wearing battery powered amps. An empty sound gourd can just be seen in front, decorated with cowrie shells, being used as a tip bowl. The musicians were wearing animal skins and singing – I’m not sure the crowd realized how radical their electrified sound was compared to the trad sound of the other group that was in the Alki courtyard performing area behind me.   Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Electric Mbira By: GinnyRED57 Originally…

  • Moblog - Traveling Along, We're Adventurers - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Our ride is finally here

    Looks like we arrive about two ours late. UPDATE: Sure, we paid for Economy Plus, and we had more legroom, but I need more buttroom and hipbone room these days. At least the flight was smooth, in spite of the air traffic control audio that warned the pilots about wind shear at 1300 feet. During the flight, David slept and I watched “Paul Blart: Mall Cop,” which turned out to be not brainless, rather sweet, and quite funny. Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Our ride is finally here By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 22 May ’09, 9.26pm CDT…

  • Moblog - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    Earthrise: Christmas Eve

    40 years ago, Apollo 8 orbited the Moon on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve at St Nicholas – 430PM family service, 9PM Lessons, Carols, and Eucharist.   I have to be in Elk Grove by 8pm for rehearsal before the 9pm service at St Nicholas, but don’t get off work until 5pm. It’ll make for a LONG, cold, snowy night, but it’ll be wonderful if we can pull it off, as we’ve worked on some of this music for months. The highlight for me is probably John Rutter’s “What Sweeter Music,” but we’re also doing some old, rarely heard Christmas hymns…

  • Moblog - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Test Again

    And this is a test of the WordPress app for iPhone. After setting up the improved Light Saber app, which allows custom characters and visialisations. I decided I was a Lemurian named Gi-Ginn 3-Ak’bal.

  • Moblog - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Test Cattern

    This is a test of the Non-urgency Moblogization System. No cats have been mobilized, there is no cause for alarm. Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Test Cattern By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 26 Nov ’08, 8.44pm CST PST UPDATE: Posting moblogged photos via Flickr works, WordPress is no longer stripping the HTML brackets! My husband David will post a more technical explanation, but basically he set up the blog on a virtual server, and installed an older version of Linux running in VMWare on that server. It’s complicated. Let’s just say I can now post to the blog…

  • Home Improvement - Moblog

    Floor Project From Hell V: The Stain in the Hall

    David installed the white-painted shoe molding earlier this afternoon, and even got through the angsty moments trying to get the floor brackets for the closet doors re-installed. Now all that remains is the quarter-round. We’d had a bad time with the oak trim that came with the floor product (actually, it was quite expensive) as it was such dense, hard wood that no matter how we pre-drilled and pounded and used an electric nailer, we couldn’t get the nails to go in all the way. So we regrouped, bought plain pine and it’s now all cut and mitred to fit…

  • Moblog - Politics, Schmolitics

    Obama Magnet Stickerized

    Finally had a chance to place my Obama ’08 magnet on my car… but instead of attaching it to the outside, where it could get ripped off, I stuck it to the inside of my rear window (on the left, naturally) with wide cellophane tape. I’ve had it for a couple of days – my husband David made a donation a while back and we’ve been waiting impatiently – but I was motivated to mount it after reading this.

  • Clan: McTiVo - Connections - Moblog

    Polly Wolly Doodle Dog All Day

    Made it to Steve’s house to watch Stargate: Continuum and now have a Labradoodle at my feet. Polly is a lively girl but at the moment she’s being all good and calm. Until Steve gets her riled up for “outies,” that is. p>a href=”http://www.blogula-rasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/p-640-480-6c4e0c9d-970b-4392-9c71-edc249ceb748.jpeg”>img src=”http://www.blogula-rasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/p-640-480-6c4e0c9d-970b-4392-9c71-edc249ceb748.jpeg” alt=”” width=”225″ height=”300″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-364″ />/a>/p>