US gov wants data on Europe air passengers – Boing Boing The US government is pressuring 27 European Union nations to agree on new transatlantic air travel security measures which include armed guards on all flights from Europe to America operated by US airlines. Wait, why weren’t we doing this in the period immediately following 9/11, when we became a nation of bug-eyed fraidy cats willing to hand over the Bill of Rights to the nice strong people in charge if only they would keep us safe from Osama the Boogie Man? I admit that on September 15, approximately when…
1 hurt as backstage fire halts performance of ‘Peter Pan’ at Elgin high school — ELGIN – A small fire broke out Saturday at a high school dance performance of “Peter Pan” in Elgin, forcing the audience of about 300 to evacuate. One person was injured – nothing fatal or too serious, fortunately. The Tribune has amateur video that has a surreal sequence of various costumed cast members evacuating, some calmly, some in a panic. Tinkerbell trots down the sidewalk pretty briskly, and another character screams “It’s horrible!” as she races by the camera, but one of the mice…
Case in point: Enthusiastic GOP teen to fight citations – Yahoo! News
Yes, I laughed out loud at a joke based on a very unfunny conceit. Is that wrong and bad? The more I read about how horrified the Repunditans – those most ultra-strident media voices screaming from the rightmost lunatic fringes on the far side of Genghis Khan – are with McCain’s success, the more I wonder at their blindness. Because it’s becoming evident that the folks who’ve been voting for McCain are the moderates who’ve been whipped and beaten into silent acquiesence by the social conservatives of the Religious Right, and the independents who aren’t going for the Democrats. McCain…
Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor. A team at the University of Copenhagen have tracked down a genetic mutation which took place 6-10,000 years ago and is the cause of the eye colour of all blue-eyed humans alive on the planet today. Watch for the cranky pranksters at Discovery Institute to come out with a debunk paper any time now.
… because the Captiva (Audiencia) screen reported that Ralph Nader was thinking of running for President again. Don’t run, Ralph! Don’t screw this up for the rest of the country again! He’s baaaacccckkk….Nader forms presidential exploratory committee – Tales from the Trail: 2008
The Salt Lake Tribune has an article about Presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s days as an LDS bishop. It’s an interesting sidelight on an aspect of the man that many people are curious about – his faith and where he stands. You might admire his stand on abortion, except for running as a pro-choice candidate in order to get elected in Massachusetts. It’s interesting that people still remember an incident that took place in a hospital room. Salt Lake Tribune – Mitt and his faith: Remembering when candidate Romney was Bishop Romney Not everyone shared that positive view of Romney. Though…
Obama wins convincing victory in Iowa — This is my candidate. This is my choice for leader of the free world. This is the man I would be proud to call President of the United States of America. Yes, it’s ridiculous that a year or more of campaigning in just a few “early primary states,” and one night of essentially backroom kibitzing in little meeting halls all over one Midwestern state puts a stamp of approval on just one person in each party, with dwindling hopes for others unless they do well in a small Eastern state. By the…
Salt Lake Tribune – Mitt’s quote about God not speaking to anyone since Moses raises more questions: What about LDS Church founder Smith? WASHINGTON – Presidential candidate Mitt Romney says in a videotaped interview that he doesn’t know that God has spoken to anyone since the time of Moses. Right. What about that Joe Smith guy? Wasn’t there some sort of conversation in a sacred grove thingy? If this guy is actually elected President, can he even ride the First Mountainbike without backpedaling?
…it just doesn’t have to know how to spell them. Via » Photo of the Day » The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century