Man fired for requesting a prostitute – Yahoo! News Hotel workers were sent to Jorgensen’s room to ask him to stop demanding prostitutes. When they arrived at his room, Jorgensen answered the door in the nude, human resources director Tim Donovan said.Jorgensen was fired the next day. At the hearing, Jorgensen said his actions didn’t hurt the casino, and he said he’d received strong performance reviews. He also blamed the restaurant for serving him too much alcohol. “I was absolutely plowed,” he said. Administrative Law Judge Terence Nice turned down Jorgensen’s claim for unemployment benefits. It’s never your fault when…
Keith Olbermann makes it 13 times that the Bush administration used a suspiciously timed terror alert or arrest announcement to either negate unfavorable news, or neutralize positive news about political opponents. Only thirteen times? But it’s linked at One Utah: One Utah » Blog Archive » The Nexus of Politics and Terror (and Lying)
Did you watch the British detective series Bergerac? The building that was used as the police station used to be a children’s home. And now there’s a real mystery: child abuse and possibly murder, dating back decades, in that same building. BBC NEWS | Europe | Jersey | Child’s body found at care home Parts of a child’s body have been found by police in a former children’s home in Jersey.
Salt Lake Tribune – Cannon in line for possible promotion WASHINGTON – Republicans will have a difficult time reclaiming the House in November’s elections with a slew of incumbents deciding to retire, resign or run for higher office. Huh? Why did they change the headline? Why is this a duplicate story? I blogged it yesterday. Salt Lake Tribune – Cannon growing old in D.C. WASHINGTON – Republicans will have a difficult time reclaiming the House in November’s elections with a slew of incumbents deciding to retire, resign or run for higher office. Here’s something else that caught my eye –…
Yep, I had more on Chris Buttars that I found today. Sen. Chris Buttars listens to Cristy Gleave, of Salt Lake City, as she testifies before the Senate Health and Human Services Committee on Monday about Buttars’ bill to repeal the new domestic-partnership registry. (Scott Sommerdorf/The Salt Lake Tribune) “Christensen said Amendment 3 deliberately outlaws synonyms or substitutes that “approximate marriage.” And he alleged that registry supporters have “a broader agenda” than securing health benefits or visitation rights – which never have been threatened, according to SB267 backers. Tell that to Cristy Gleave, a lesbian mother who told the committee…
Utah’s other idiot pol named Chris, Rep. Cannon of that ilk, shoots his mouth off over his dreams of chairing a committee in Congress and bein’ all ‘portant and stuff. He has a mathematically possible chance and a practically impossible chance: a whole bunch of senior Republicans have decided to retire (or euphemism of choice) off of committees he’s on, but the Democrats would have to lose their majority for him to be anything other than “ranking Republican” on them. Or, “rank Republican” if you prefer. He paints a rosy picture indeed of how wonderful it would be for him…
Check Flickr for photos from the scene BBC NEWS | Americas | Large blast hits Mexican capital Police and ambulances are attending the scene of a large blast in Mexico City, where at least one person is reported to have been killed and another hurt.
Why vote Republican, when items like this pop up: BBC NEWS | Business | US consumer confidence plummets Confidence among US consumers has fallen to a 16-year low, as fears grow about recession and job cuts, a closely-watched survey has found. That’s right, since 1991… during the waning days of Bush 41. Coincidence? Maybe not.
Sometimes I read the letters to the editor to the Salt Lake Tribune and feel like jeering. Occasionally, I read the letters and feel like cheering. Today, I feel like wearing balloons and a party hat and waving flags, because an “old Mormon bishop” wrote a righteous, inspiring letter. Now this really rare for me, approving of the opinions of LDS bishops, and I wanted to save the whole letter because they go off the SL Trib website so fast. It’s to do with that idiot Buttars, of course: I cannot pick up my copy of The Tribune on any morning and not read how our…
State Sen. Chris Butters, R-SomeBraindeadConstituency, UT, has said some stupid things before, but this takes the cake: Salt Lake Tribune – Buttars’ racial slur leads to rebuke, apology It’s a good thing Sen. Chris Buttars, R-West Jordan, isn’t running for president of the United States. He had a macaca moment on the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon.”This baby is black It’s a dark ugly thing,” Buttars remarked during vigorous debate about SB48, legislation aimed at equalizing school capital outlay funding when school districts split. Buttars’ blunder outlasted debate on the bill. After senators returned from a 10-minute break, Senate President John…