• Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts

    Zimbabwe: The Suspense Is Killing

    Such a platitude: “The suspense is killing me.” In Zimbabwe, the suspense is killing democracy: the Zimbabwe Election Commission has been slowly announcing results in a piecemeal fashion, with suspiciously neck-and-neck results when the numbers posted outside every polling station previously seemed to presage a much bigger majority for the opposition party (or parties, as there’s a split). Mugabe must go someday. But when?  Now it appears that he’s started a “crackdown.” The suspense could be killing people for real, very soon. This is Zimbabwe

  • Hot Off The Presses - Only in Utah...

    Honor Code: Why Johnny Can’t Write, Only Copy-and-Paste

    Okay, this is both funny and desperately sad. Also, I really, really think the UT-SAT students really need to take a look at the fine print: U. of Texas honor code apparently plagiarized from BYU’s code – Salt Lake Tribune SAN ANTONIO – University of Texas at San Antonio students wanted to draft an honor code that discouraged cheating and plagiarizing. Unfortunately, it appears they copied Brigham Young University’s code without proper attribution. The student in charge of drafting the code said it was an oversight, but cheating experts say it illustrates a sloppiness among Internet-era students who don’t know…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts

    Odd News: File under “dumbass”

    Cops: Teen tried to steal cruiser’s gas – Yahoo! News LAMBERTVILLE, Mich. – A Monroe County sheriff’s detective on a stakeout to catch an arsonist arrested the suspect as he tried to steal gas from the officer’s cruiser. Officers were placed around homes currently under construction after police had gotten two arson complaints within the past week.

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses

    Zimbabwe: “…the police at once jumped on her, beat her until she screamed”

    Why blog? Some people have fun and go to big conferences.  Many people simply enjoy putting their words up on the net.  Others get the word out about specific topics or interests. And for a few people, blogging is a moral imperative, a matter of life and death, because the truth must be told from within the borders of a country gone mad. This is Zimbabwe is such a life-and-death blog. Mostly it chronicles the difficulties of life in a poor country inflicted with government corruption, hyper-inflation, and the uncertainty of how to get through day-to-day life when you never…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Stunning Upset in Illinois: Oberweis Scooped by Scientist

    Democrat Foster wins Hastert’s seat — chicagotribune.com In a stunning upset Saturday that could be a harbinger of trouble for the GOP this fall, a little-known Democratic physicist won the special election for a seat drawn to re-elect former Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert. David and I were driving back from a visit with our convalescing relation when we heard this on the radio and actually cheered and clapped and high-fived (safely) in the car. We’re not political geeks, it’s just that we’re happy when annoying funnymentalist conservatives get righteously trounced, with an extra generous helping of humiliations galore. They…

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Not-So-Happy-Landing: Greenskeeper Really Hacked Off

    This guy seems to think he’s got the traffic problem figured out - just fly his private plane over it and land on any convenient flat, open area… like a local golf course. We should think about this the next time we go to a show at the Marriott Lincolnshire, it’s always a mess getting in and out of there on show night, and parking is a bitch! I give this guy half a point for ingenuity, half a point for putting the plane down on a course called “Crane’s Landing,” but negative twelve points for lack of smarts. He’s an…