In Zimbabwe Jail: A Reporter’s Ordeal – New York Times It’s all starting to hit the fan – the “what I was doing in the late unpleasantness” stories are now safe to publish, apparently.
Thank God, this seems to be confirmed. It’s so weird reading about these details in blog comments before the mainstream news picks it up. Although it can backfire – an air transport company was getting tons of activist mail, and they got pretty irritated about it and tracked down at least one activist blog to complain. Basiccally, they were saying “call your people off, we’re not transporting the arms”
Soul diva Amy Winehouse cautioned by police over assault – Yahoo! News
BBC NEWS | Africa | Civil society’s triumph on Zimbabwe Image: South African church groups protest the Chinese arms ship An Yue Jiang at Durban harbor last week. UN Move on Robert Mugabe as police round up MDC Image: activists arrested from in front of the Chinese embassy in South Africa. One of these activists is a young man who still had his cell phone with him. The pastoral sponsor of the youth organization is the Rev. Mufaro Stig Hove, who runs a plethora of Zim blog sites. The activists may already have been deported by now. The sign says…
Celia W. Dugger – The New York Times Story files of the NYT reporter filing most of the Zimbabwe news.
In Zimbabwe Raid, Hundreds in Opposition Party Detained – New York Times He said the people detained were wanted on suspicion of “assault, grievous bodily harm, and arson.†They had been taken by bus to a police station less than a mile from the opposition headquarters, he said. No, that’s “wanted in order to commit assault, grievous bodily harm, and arson” upon them or their property in the comfort and privacy of the back yard of the local hoosegow.
This is Zimbabwe » Blog Archive » MDC headquarters invaded and injured people arrested A lot of people – hundreds – were taking refuge at the opposition party’s headquarters, or seeking medical attention. Imagine if we had to go to the Dep or Repub HQ to get help…
Hopes of finding ballooning Brazilian priest fade – Yahoo! News This is sad – a priest pulling a “Mythbusters-like” stunt with hundreds of helium balloons is feared lost at sea.
The An Yue Jiang may have been turned around and headed back to China, as reported by the Beeb and the NYT, but maybe they’re just headed out to sea to do a little “over-the-horizon” transfer work. Sokwanele/This is Zimbabwe says “Don’t celebrate just yet:” Lloyd’s MIU – 20017525399 But the following is invaluable information for activists in many countries: Given the public interest in following the movements of the ship An Yue Jiang, which is reported to be carrying arms to Zimbabwe, Lloyd’s MIU ( is tracking this vessel via satellites and agents covering all African ports. The vessel…
BBC NEWS | Africa | Church calls for Zimbabwe action The leaders of the Anglican church have called for international action to prevent violence in Zimbabwe reaching “horrific levels”. In a joint statement the Archbishops of Canterbury and York also called for an international arms embargo on Zimbabwe. Yet more pressure brought to bear