• Episcopal - Hot Off The Presses

    Zimbabwe: Police Beat Up, Evict Anglicans In Church

    allAfrica.com: Zimbabwe: Police Beat Up And Evict Anglican Parishioners Page 1 of 1 State sponsored violence against members of the Anglican Church reached new levels over the weekend as police in different parts of Harare gatecrashed church services and beat up parishioners loyal to new bishop Sebastian Bakare. At the St Francis parish in Waterfalls riot police interrupted the service during holy communion and told parishioners to leave. Witnesses said the parishioners assumed it was the usual police over-zealousness and some of them remained seated. The police then began beating up people, including women, in the church. Bishop Bakare, who…

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Zimbabwe: Archbishop Tutu on the Arms Trade

    Archbishop Desmond Tutu comments on the “Ship of Shame” that was carrying Chinese arms for Zimbabwe. It seems to be headed back to China after offloading “construction materials” in Luanda, but it might be headed for Congo-Brazzaville. Others speculate that a ship-to-ship transfer is still possible. So far the biggest loser is China, whose reputation in Africa for doing business without bothering about human rights is now becoming a liability. Govern global arms trade | The Australian IN the present scandal of the attempt to ship tonnes of arms and ammunition to Zimbabwe, it is the Chinese who have spoken…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts - Only in Utah... - Religion

    Vatican: LDS Church’s Practice “Detrimental”

    Catholic bishops told to withhold parish information from Mormons – Salt Lake Tribune The Vatican letter calls LDS baptisms for the dead a “detrimental practice” and directs each Catholic diocesan bishop “not to cooperate with the erroneous practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” CNS reported. It annoys me that in 150 years, someone will baptise me according to the LDS doctrine of baptism for the dead, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it, other than mark the heavenly post “refused due to erroneous practice.”

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Brilliant, Annie!

    It’s always fun recognizing someone you “know” in a news item: Blogger exposes life on the Underground – Yahoo News LONDON Reuters – Annie Moles blog about the London Underground rail system began as a New Years resolution to teach herself how to make an Internet Web site and has blossomed into a popular slice of commuter life. She’s been blogging just a bit longer than I have, but she’s made a much more brilliant success of it; Annie Mole’s Going Underground covers pretty much one topic, and covers it extremely well. Actually, it covers going out and having fun…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Only in Utah...

    Unnatural Natural Women

    Say what you like about the religion, it’s not natural for women’s faces to be this lean. Even for nursing mothers, these women look like they’re not getting enough to eat. The one in the middle is becoming famous on Flickr for that monobrow, by the way. Their body language is weirdly out of synch with modern life, too. It’s as if they’ve adopted some kind of backwards-engineered emulation of the way women hold their bodies in old, old photographs from the pioneer days. They also remind me of the faces of hardscrabble farmers’ wives from the 30’s Dustbowl photographs…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts - Notty Problems: Even Leaving Doesn't Solve Them - Only in Utah... - Religion

    FLDS Polygamists: No Records of Births, Deaths, Abuse

    One thing to remember: the FLDS compounds are as self-sufficient as possible. Medical care is handled “inhouse.” State mandated reporter laws for suspected abuse cases and records keeping: forget about it. More Clarity About Abuse, Intermarriage, Child Breeders, and the Fundamentalist Church of Later Day Saints | PEEK | AlterNet

  • Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts

    Opposition reunites in Zimbabwe

    This is in advance of the official announcement of the election results (which I assume is in the MDC’s favor). Ironically, it took place at a swiftly called press conference at South Africa’s main airport, as President-elect Tsvangirai has been in Botswana waiting for results. BBC NEWS | Africa | Opposition reunites in Zimbabwe Zimbabwes divided opposition says it has reunited, declaring a majority in the countrys parliament. The announcement was made by Movement for Democratic Change MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai and his former rival Arthur Mutambara.

  • Episcopal - Hot Off The Presses - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Zimbabwe: “For Heaven’s Sake Don’t Prop Him Up”

    Archbishop of York Dr. John Sentamu, collarless, in front of Yorkminster. BBC NEWS | UK | Archbishop leads Zimbabwe protest The Archbishop of York has urged members of Zimbabwe’s security forces not to prop up Robert Mugabe’s regime. Dr John Sentamu, one of the most senior members of the Anglican church, is leading a day of fasting and prayer in support of the people of Zimbabwe. He urged the army and police not to “terrorise the ordinary citizens”. In December, Dr Sentamu cut up his clerical collar on television and said he would not replace it until President Mugabe was…