… a lot of them are being closed in areas that tend to appeal to ethnic minorities, and they’re sorry that the iconic brand is leaving their neighborhoods. Cafe closings hit minority areas — chicagotribune.com Starbucks has identified 18 stores in the Chicago area among the 600 nationwide targeted to close through March 2009, including several in minority neighborhoods that had counted on the green-and-white medallion to signal rebirth.
The glamourous life of Hollywood n-Listers beckoned Andy Dick, and now he’s got a brand new look, and maybe dropped a few spots in the celebrity alphabet: Classic, eh? Guess he’d better get in touch with Dr. Drew soon. And then there’s another thing… Comedian Andy Dick arrested on drug, sexual battery charges in Murrieta – Los Angeles Times Police arrived at Buffalo Wild Wings after receiving calls from a witness about the incident as well as complaints about a man urinating in the bushes. Dick and his entourage got into a Honda pick-up truck and started to leave but…
There’s a great picture associated with this story, but I won’t use it because it originates with the AP. However, this story is from the Washington Post’s own Foreign Service news desk, so it’s probably okay to quote more than 5 words. Context. It’s everything. By the way, the photo on the WP story shows Mugabe as out of focus, washed out, and nearly in greyscale, and military strongman Gen. Constantine Chiwenga is in sharp focus, wearing brightly colored medals and sash, looking very vibrant and strong. It’s probably just a trick of the light, but it really highlights who’s…
4 people were injured when a large older man in a fez lost control of his tiny ’57 Chevy Bel-Air at a Fourth of July parade. Okay, I’m making the assumption that the car was driven by a large older man in a fez, based on my vast experience with Shriners (my brother-in-law Frank is a member) and the headgear they wear at public events (I happen to know that lady Shriners have white fezzes, and have special travel cases for them when going to conventions). Medinah Temple owns a golf resort in the area, but I don’t know if…
Colombians Briefed McCain Before Rescue – washingtonpost.com CARTAGENA, Colombia, July 2 — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) spoke repeatedly Tuesday and early Wednesday about how he would work as president to free three American hostages held by leftist guerrillas in Colombia, but he declined to reveal one key fact: Colombian President Ãlvaro Uribe and his aides had briefed him Tuesday evening about the plan to rescue the Americans, along with 12 other captives.
Via the Mad Priest at Of course, I could be wrong…:say goodbye, it’s independence day
…and the next time Todd Stroger comes up in the Democratic primary, I’ll vote for whoever opposes him in the race for Cook County Board President – I hope that will be Forrest Claypool again. Because starting tomorrow, Cook County will have the highest taxes in the country, brought to us by Todd Stroger and his cronies on the Board, along with assists from other local pols and unions and jamokes with a little clout. Your Stroger-Daley Tax — chicagotribune.com Fourth, think summer 2009. Relentlessly. There’s barely a year until candidates begin collecting petition signatures to get their names on…
GateWorld – Don S. Davis: 1942-2008 With great sadness we must report that veteran actor Don S. Davis passed away on June 29, 2008. He was 65 years old. This is really, really sad news. “Hammond of Texas” is gone. According to the fan site, his family requests donations to the American Heart Association. Dear Fans and Friends of Don S. Davis, So many of you have been touched by not only the work and art of Don S. Davis, but by the man himself, who always took the time to be with you at the appearances he loved, that…
Firedoglake » Associated Press: Dinosaurs of the Internet If I were running a major metropolitan daily, and I saw my advertising revenues shrinking and my newsroom personnel diminishing as the dead tree business died, and I knew how important it was to generate online traffic to keep the doors open, I’d be thinking … Reuters. McClatchy. Bloomberg. Anything but AP.
The Chinese view: Zimbabwe police reaffirm zero tolerance to violence_English_Xinhua HARARE, June 22 (Xinhua) — Police in Zimbabwe have reaffirmed zero tolerance to violence before, after and during the June 27 presidential run-off elections, local media reported on Sunday. The Commissioner General of the Zimbabwe Republic Police, Augustine Chihuri, said the MDC-T party and its leadership are to blame for causing political violence in the country. Commissioner General Chihuri chronicled some of the incidents of political violence perpetrated by the MDC-T from the time of the launch of the opposition party’s campaign in Mutare. He said the force is intensifying…