Earlier today, I jokingly speculated that the reason McCain was trying to delay or postpone or cancel the debate was really because his polling sucked, and he was stalling for time. It appears that I’m not the only one that thinks this. And now, it looks like Palin’s debate will either be postponed or cancelled – the events are being held hostage, in a way, as bargaining chips in the deal McCain thinks he must make with Senate Democrats in order to look all leaderly ‘n shit. If they don’t wise up and fall into line on the bailout debate,…
Hey, remember back in 2004 when we were all freaked out about the primaries, and this little story about a judge who liked to “pump it up” in court broke into the news? Well, it took them long enough, but the Oklahoma Supreme Court disbarred him. Judge disbarred for using sex device at trial :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday disbarred a former judge who served prison time for using a sexual device while presiding over trials. Former Creek County District Judge Donald Thompson, 61, was accused of using a ‘‘penis pump’’…
In These Times – March 6, 2000 – Free Ride Here is what happened: McCain boasted to my wife and me over lunch in Washington that he had planted complex questions with the Senate Interior Committee chairman to sabotage the testimony of Arizona Gov. Rose Mofford, a Democrat, about the Central Arizona Project, the multibillion-dollar Colorado River water delivery system for Arizona urban areas. When I protested to McCain that the project had enjoyed bipartisan support for nearly 50 years, from conservative Barry Goldwater to liberal Morris Udall, McCain retorted: “I’m duty bound to embarrass a Democrat whenever I can.”
Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes – NYTimes.com The NYT brings some interesting stuff to light. This article engendered 1000 comments, and notes that Alaska legislators were so annoyed at Palin’s frequent absences from the state capitol that they took to wearing “Where’s Sarah” buttons.
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Obama Campaign: McCain “Would Rather Lose His Integrity Than Lose An Election” TPM notes that Obama’s campaign hit McCain where he lives.. on the “honor and integrity” meme that’s part of his maverick-hero image. This is after his appearance on The View, where Joy Behar told McCain that a lot of his oft-repeated campaign statements are lies. Right to his face. I love Joy. Today on “The View,” John McCain defended his campaign’s latest ad campaign, which has been debunked repeatedly as both false and sleazy. In running the sleaziest campaign since…
One Utah » Blog Archive » McCain Caught Lying Again, Today. Yep, it turns out there are no official estimates of the size of the crowds he’s attracting to his rallies. His campaign staff cites fire marshals and Secret Service personnel, but actual fire marshals and Secret Service spokespersons contacted by reporters deny supplying the McCain people with crowd size estimates. Meanwhile, his staff now insist it’s never been about the size of the crowds, it’s what McCain does with them that counts. Audience envy. It’s not pretty.
First, NPR did an audio story direct from a pig farm in Virginia. Yes, they put Ruby Red lipstick on a black-and-white pig. It was a piece that left much to the imagination, and perhaps it’s better that way. Because apparently now it’s a trend: news organizations are falling all over themselves putting lipstick on pigs. Here’s the link to the Chicago Tribune video (yeah, they do video on their website. And they prove, unequivocally, that there’s really no amount of artful makeup techniques or products that can improve the appearance of a porker. With the possible exception of a…
When I flipped my desk calendar over, there it was. “Patriot Day.” No, it’s “Remembrance Day.” Enough with the posturing and the framing and the spinning already. We remember family, friends, colleagues, total strangers, and maybe one or two saints. Many were not American – workers at Windows on the World, business travelers from many lands, and maybe some tourists. We remember them too. Please, let’s not Hallmark this day with cynical, politically motivated labels and imagery. This is a solemn day of remembrance.
Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive – Spending seven Septembers hijacking my religion back « – Blogs from CNN.com A beautiful and heartfelt essay from a Muslim pacifist civil rights lawyer, who with his Islamic brothers and sisters wants to peacefully hijack his religion back from the extremists.
Provo police on alert for peeping Toms – Salt Lake Tribune Apparently BYU, the college of the Utah faithful, suffers a plague of pervos every fall when students return, move into housing or apartments, and don’t know enough to close the curtains. Peeping toms are a perennial problem in prissy Provo. Best comment from the Trib website: “Abstinence makes the church grow fondlers.”