• Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Daily Herald Endorses “Our Sen. Obama”

    There’s a third “major paper” in the Chicago area, the Daily Herald. They’re not quite as famous as the Chicago Tribune or the Sun-Times, being known more as a suburban paper with a raft of very small community papers (some of the “shopper paper and local high school sports” variety). It’s more conservative than the Trib and makes no bones about it; having dealt with them trying to get publicity inserted for my Episcopal parish, I can tell you they’re really into faith news. They probably are more interested in items of interest to Catholics and maybe conservative Protestants, though.…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Now THIS Is Voter Registration Fraud

    The hysterico-pundit wing of the GOP has been accusing ACORN (via its contractors) of fraudulently registering football teams and cartoon characters to vote. They see it as a vast left-wing conspiracy, but really it’s low-income contractors trying to defraud ACORN, because they get paid by the number of registrations they turn in. As has been pointed out repeatedly, Mickey Mouse isn’t going to show up to vote. It might throw off the statistics for total number of registered Democrats there are in each locality, but there’s little likelihood of any serious electoral fraud being committed. Now, here’s a twist: a…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Vote for <<-- That One. Please.

    This just in via my sturdy Google Reader feed: Who do you want to vote for? Who do you want to represent our country on the world stage? Who is less scary? Who is more trustworthy? Who is more statesmanlike and leaderly? Who do you want taking that 3:00AM phone call? Who do you want the Football to follow around? Please. Vote for That One. Because a vote is a terrible thing to waste. CAPSHUNZ PLZZZ!!! “Give me all your hamsters, I’m staaaaaaarviiiiiingggggg!!!” Via » What’s Up with “Senator McTongue”? » The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts - Politics, Schmolitics

    In A World… Where Joe The Plumber Reigns

    Worth a listen for a chuckle: what if Joe the Plumber could unclog the economic mess? Imagining ‘Joe The Plumber: The Epic’ : NPR Sometimes that 15 minutes of fame turns into an hour. Satirists Bruce Kluger and David Slavin present the promo for a fictional epic called Joe the Plumber — it’s the story about the one man equipped to fix the nation’s plugged up economy.

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    How Chicago Politics Shaped Obama : NPR

    I was just telling my sister in an email about listening to this story about Obama’s political beginnings. He’s disappointed not a few progressives and reformers in Chicago for not taking on “Chicago Machine politics,” or from “getting along” just enough to get elected. But he’s inspired a whole lot of people, too. Sometimes surprisingly so. How Chicago Politics Shaped Obama : NPR He was a young politician who couldn’t win a congressional seat in his own neighborhood, and yet he was asking the state’s political kingmaker to back him for a statewide race. Furthermore, Obama wanted Jones to help…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics - SciFi/Fantasy

    Coming This Fall: V – The White House Years

    You’d better hope I’m wrong. I’d heard that a remake of the classic SF TV series “V” was in the works, but take a look at this bizarre clip from YouTube someone put together. I went looking for more “poker tell” citations for the debate tonight, as the Chicago Trib had some in a slideshow, but somehow missed the many times McCain poked out his tongue. Actually, on this clip, he’s revealed as the first Iguana-American to be elected to the Senate and run for President. [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/CIZLg_lmx10" width="425" height="344" wmode="transparent" /] See? Quite, quite creepy. Don’t let your hamsters…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses

    TSA Agent Ripped Off Electronics, Sold Them On eBay

    Geez, and I was pissed when a TSA agent in Washington relieved me of my expensive Hawaiian moisturizer/sunscreen because I forgot to repack it in a plastic bag and put it in my checked baggage. Imagine being a news person on your way to cover some story, having to call your producer to say “The camera… the lenses… they weren’t in my bag when I picked it up at baggage claim.” Burn! Then imagine a colleague finding your camera on eBay. Revenge is sweet. TSA agent helped himself to a $47,900 camera (and more!) – Gadling | travel blog |…