• Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    How Chicago Politics Shaped Obama : NPR

    I was just telling my sister in an email about listening to this story about Obama’s political beginnings. He’s disappointed not a few progressives and reformers in Chicago for not taking on “Chicago Machine politics,” or from “getting along” just enough to get elected. But he’s inspired a whole lot of people, too. Sometimes surprisingly so. How Chicago Politics Shaped Obama : NPR He was a young politician who couldn’t win a congressional seat in his own neighborhood, and yet he was asking the state’s political kingmaker to back him for a statewide race. Furthermore, Obama wanted Jones to help…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics - SciFi/Fantasy

    Coming This Fall: V – The White House Years

    You’d better hope I’m wrong. I’d heard that a remake of the classic SF TV series “V” was in the works, but take a look at this bizarre clip from YouTube someone put together. I went looking for more “poker tell” citations for the debate tonight, as the Chicago Trib had some in a slideshow, but somehow missed the many times McCain poked out his tongue. Actually, on this clip, he’s revealed as the first Iguana-American to be elected to the Senate and run for President. [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/CIZLg_lmx10" width="425" height="344" wmode="transparent" /] See? Quite, quite creepy. Don’t let your hamsters…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses

    TSA Agent Ripped Off Electronics, Sold Them On eBay

    Geez, and I was pissed when a TSA agent in Washington relieved me of my expensive Hawaiian moisturizer/sunscreen because I forgot to repack it in a plastic bag and put it in my checked baggage. Imagine being a news person on your way to cover some story, having to call your producer to say “The camera… the lenses… they weren’t in my bag when I picked it up at baggage claim.” Burn! Then imagine a colleague finding your camera on eBay. Revenge is sweet. TSA agent helped himself to a $47,900 camera (and more!) – Gadling | travel blog |…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Palin Abused Power, Not Quite Breaking The Law

    It’s a Friday night, time for a news release that’s not favorable to the GOP. Yep, Our Sarah abused the power of her office in pestering her public safety commissioner to fire her ex-brother-in-law. Apparently she thought the trooper posed a threat, even when dressed as Safety Bear at an even Palin was to appear at. CNN.com – Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin abused her power as Alaska’s governor in a case that involves the firing of her former public safety commissioner, a report for the state Legislature concluded today.…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Debate Rematch: Town Hall In Nashville

    First of all, I loves me some Tom Brokaw. Should have asked a question about all the crap that’s been flying around from Clearwater, Florida. Thanks for letting us know we can cheer and jeer at home, Tom. And they come out of their respective corners.  I think I’ll be looking more at body language tonight, especially after the “poker tell” story from a few days ago. We’re watching network at the moment – CBS. May change. Obama steps right down front and connects with a jab at the “failed economic policies of the last 8 years.”  I like how…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    McCain: One of the Keating Five, Remember?

    The Obama campaign is coming out with some attack ads of their own… they went back to the archives for some footage from the Keating Five hearing. McCain got off that one with a reprimand for exercising poor judgement. Oh, and this is the guy we want in charge of our economy, and the world’s? Uh, no. [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Jhb41Z-Znkg" width="425" height="344" wmode="transparent" /] William Bradley: Obama Finally Fastest In TV Ad Wars

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Tongue Jutting: McCain’s Tell

    Back about a week or so, I ran across an interesting item in my feed that was shared by ***Dave. It was a funny little detail Stephen Colbert lampooned: McCain’s weirdly reptilian tongue flicking gesture that was picked up by someone as a classic “poker tell.” FiveThirtyEight.com: Electoral Projections Done Right: The Tongue Jut Tongue-jutting behavior is a gesture used by people who think they have gotten away with something or are “caught” doing something. I have seen this behavior in flea markets both in the United States and in Russia, among street vendors in Lower Manhattan, at poker tables…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    The Debate: Veepstakes.

    I decided to not Twitter the debate so much. UPDATE: Now with fresh, clean, FactCheck! We’re watching via www.cnnpolitics.com with laptops and all, but really we’re just watching on our normal TV on the CNN channel. Biden: “the ultimate bridge to nowhere” regarding the McCain tax credit plan versus the Obama tax cut for those making less than $250,000. Wow, the little live “love or hate” lines show that the ladies love Biden. The women’s line went to the top of the screen over the tax cuts. And as soon as Palin came on screen talking about how she’s taken…