I’ve been in a state of shock all day at work, trying to keep up with the news of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s arrest via Twitter and Google Reader. I’ve been stashing stories away on my alternate blog – the one that is easier to send entire linked posts to from Reader – and just on my way home tonight was growing more and more infuriated about Blago’s massive contempt for the people of this state. We elected the guy; we need to insist that our General Assembly impeach the guy and come up with the legislation passed for a special…
I’m just sayin’. Look at the picture and dream. Via Honoring Veterans | Change.gov: The Obama-Biden Transition Team
A sharp-eyed clerk at a Salt Lake golf course pro shop noticed a man wearing underwear on his head and wielding a big knife. After a struggle, the brief-or-boxer wearing thief fled. Exciting golf-cart chase and capture ensued, with golfers no doubt brandishing 9-irons and mashie niblicks or whatever. Prosecutors charge alleged robber who wore underwear mask – Salt Lake Tribune A man wearing underwear on his head to hide his identity during a stickup was charged Wednesday with aggravated robbery. The 48-year-old man was chased down two days earlier by customers in a golf cart outside a South Salt…
Being part of the family here in Chicagoland (actually, Northwest Burblcavia) means that I get to partake of some seasonal delights and occasionally take a stab at cooking them. Take latkes. Please! Take another! I like them a lot. But they can be really greasy and high in calories. A few years back, I had run across a really great recipe that makes a huge amount of latkes, but it also calls for a boatload of oil. It also comes with philosophical musings: The Constitutional Foundations of Shirley Edelman’s Latke. However, I happened across the following recipe in my news…
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Jail terms for Israeli neo-Nazis Eight teenagers have been sentenced to time in jail by a court in Israel for carrying out a series of neo-Nazi attacks that shocked the nation. That’s what I thought you said. Some male teens will do anything to work off those crazy hormones…
President Bush delivered a speech at an international gathering in Peru earlier today, and waxed nostalgic about those warm and wonderful days immediately after 9/11, when the entire world was on our side and was ready to stand with us against a common threat. Excuse me, I need to get rid of a load of bile now. Because this same brush-clearing faux cowboy diplomat worked reeeeal hard to screw up our reputation world wide, totally squandering the goodwill that we had gained, and also totally squandering our short-lived sense of national unity. Thousands of lives were lost before the war…
Pretty cool. I had this in my “shared Google News” backlog. Which is pretty much the only way I can “blog” during the workday, via my iPhone, that just takes a few clicks. I really like this image. Via Open Thread | Crooks and Liars
The New York Times has a slideshow of various maps showing how the electoral results break down. The first map is notated “Only 22 percent of American counties voted more Republican than they did in 2004.” This one shows that 78 percent of American counties voted more Democratic than they did in 2004. I thought it was hyperbole when I read some pundits saying that the Republican party was on its way to becoming a regional, not a national, force in politics. But in this cycle at least, it seems it’s advantage: Democrats. We’ll see how we’re doing in about…
Sen. Hatch may become senior Republican in Congress – Salt Lake Tribune WASHINGTON – The Senate’s most senior Republican was recently convicted of a felony corruption and may be forced out. The second most senior Republican could land a Cabinet spot under President Obama. Waiting in the wings of GOP seniority: Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican first elected in 1976.
This is my revamped desk setup: the keyboard is a flatter Dell one that fits in the slideout tray under the top. The Microsoft Natural one is too high to fit unless bad things happen to the underhang with a power tool. Note “Wait, Wait! Don’t Tell Me!” pledge swag mug to the right. Oh boy! the WWDTM folks are in Boston, and their guest is Barney Franks. He got a huge welcome from his socialist-partisan fans. Aw, he’s telling a cute story about his boyfriend, Jimmy. And how it somehow relates to Bush, Palin, and Franks’ Secret Service nickname,…